ask for sick leave 要求請病假
e.g. I need to ask for sick leave tomorrow because I have a doctor's appointment.
call in sick 打電話請病假
因病或其他原因而無法上班或上學,需要打電話通知相關人員。使用時機通常是在當天早上或工作日前一天晚上通知雇主或老師。e.g. I woke up with a bad headache this morning, so I called in sick.
take sick leave 請(一段時間的)病假
"Take sick leave" 通常指的是請長期病假,通常是超過一天的假期,也可以用於指代請假的行為,不一定限定天數。e.g. I need to take sick leave this Friday; I’m not myself today.
(我這周五需要請病假。我今天不舒服。)** be not myself ** 可不是「我不是我自己」,通常是指「感覺不舒服 」,由來有許多說法,其中一種可能是來自於中世紀的魔法信仰,人們相信可以把一個人的靈魂和身體分開。如果一個人的靈魂被拿走了,他就不再是自己了。現代,這個片語通常用於形容「一個人情緒不穩或身體不適」。
take a sick day 請(一天)假
則用於表達請短期病假,如請假一天的情況,通常表示一天內要在家休息或看醫生。e,g, I'm feeling terrible today and need to take a sick day.
be on sick leave 因病而休假 (通常已經獲准休假)
e.g. I won't be in the office for the next few days as I'm on sick leave.
正式的請病假說法: Request for sick leave
have some time off 請假;休息一段時間
e.g. Can I have some time off to get my car repaired?
take personal leave/day 請事假
e.g. I need to take personal leave next Monday to attend my sister's wedding.
(我需要在下週一請事假去參加我姐姐的婚禮。)e.g. I'm feeling burned out, so I think I'll take a personal day tomorrow to recharge.
take / have ____ off 在特定的日期或時間休假(不上班)
e.g. Can I have next Wednesday off? I have a personal matter to deal with.
(我下週三可以請假嗎?我有私事要處理。)e.g. I would like to take Wednesday morning off to pick up my family from the airport.
(我想請周三早上的假,我要去機場接我的家人。)e.g. I was wondering if I could have a day off tomorrow. I need some rest.
Can I leave early? 可否早點下班?
e.g. Can I leave early today? I have an urgent personal matter to deal with.
Ask for a day off 請求休假一天 (個人原因或是突發事件)
e.g. Hi, Mr. Roberts, this is Mike. I would like to ask for a day off.
請假相關詞彙 :sick leave 病假
Kelly took a day off because she suddenly felt unwell today.
I need to ask for sick leave tomorrow because I have a doctor's appointment.
I woke up with a bad headache this morning, so I called in sick.
I need to take sick leave this Friday; I'm not myself today.
I need to take sick leave this Friday; I'm not myself today.