
LNT:擁抱無痕山林 Valuing and Protecting the Great Outdoors

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LNT:擁抱無痕山林 Valuing and Protecting the Great Outdoors
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Anyone that is keen on getting out into nature knows that the pristine, untouched beauty of the outdoors will only remain that way if people respect the environments they visit. To ensure that this happens, the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics has come up with a framework of seven principles for people to follow. These principles can be applied whether one is hiking to a remote campsite or enjoying a local park.


pristine [ ˈprɪstin ] a. 原始的;純樸的
ethics [ ˈɛθɪks ] n. 道德標準(恆用複數)
framework [ ˈfremˌwɝk ] n. 準則,參照標準

延伸學習|environment 除了指「自然環境」外,還可指其他不同環境:

  • 指「生活環境」。

People who don’t adapt to new environments tend to have a great deal of difficulty in life.

  • 指「工作環境」。

If a company fails to provide a safe environment for its employees, it will be fined.


  • surroundings [ səˈrɑʊndɪŋz ] 指「住處;四周環境」,恆用複數。
  • circumstance [ ˈsɝkəmˌstæns ] 指「客觀環境」,如:a victim of circumstance(客觀環境的犧牲者);也可以表「情形、情況」,常用複數,且與介詞 under 並用。
  • ecology [ ɪˈkɑlədʒɪ ] 表「生態環境」。
  • ecosystem [ ˈikoˌsɪstəm ] 指「生態系統」。
  • habitat [ ˈhæbəˌtæt ] 指「動植物的自然棲息地」。


(F)The Leave No Trace principles offer guidelines for how people can leave a minimal impact in the areas they explore. While most relate to correct behavior for when people are outdoors, the first principle is about planning ahead. Before you head out on an adventure, preparation is essential. (A)Adequate planning helps keep you and your group safe. A little research will also give you a basic understanding of the environment you’ll visit.


guideline [ ˈgaɪdˌlaɪn ] n. 指導方針
head out  出發
essential [ ɪˈsɛnʃəl] a. 絕對重要的;必不可少的

LNT:擁抱無痕山林 Valuing and Protecting the Great Outdoors

The other rules to follow when you are outdoors are quite simple. You should always walk on proper trails and stay at marked campsites. (D)Everything you bring with you into an area needs to be brought back out. Of course, this means trash like plastic bags and bottles, but it also includes leftovers and food scraps. Further, when you leave a nature area, you should leave what you find(C)That is, don’t take anything from the trail like flowers or rocks with you.


leftovers [ ˈlɛftˌovɚz ] n. 剩菜剩飯(恆用複數)
scraps [ skræps ] n. 廚餘,食物殘渣(恆用複數)
leave what sb finds  保持原貌

LNT:擁抱無痕山林 Valuing and Protecting the Great Outdoors

You should also minimize campfires. It is actually best to carry a portable stove when you go camping. If you are making fires (and if they are even allowed), it is vital that you make sure the fire is out before you leave. The last two principles are about respect and consideration. (B)Respect any wildlife in the area; you’re in their home. Finally, be courteous towards anyone else you meet and think of how your actions may affect others that are enjoying the outdoors alongside you.


make a fire  生火
courteous [ ˈkɝtɪəs ] a. 有禮貌的


Adequate planning helps keep you and your group safe.
(B) Respect any wildlife in the area; you’re in their home.
(C) That is, don’t take anything from the trail like flowers or rocks with you.
(D) Everything you bring with you into an area needs to be brought back out.
(E) It provides education opportunities, so every person who goes outside can enjoy the world responsibly.
(F) The Leave No Trace principles offer guidelines for how people can leave a minimal impact in the areas they explore.



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Lauren McCarthy
Lauren McCarthy
Your Attitude determine your direction.