
✶ 你所不知的鯊魚二三事 Fun and Fascinating Facts about Sharks

Fun and Fascinating Facts about Sharks
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你所不知的鯊魚二三事 Fun and Fascinating Facts about Sharks
鯊魚沒有骨頭。相反地,牠們的骨骼由軟骨組 成,比骨頭輕得多。
>> ✶日本:愛麵族的天堂 Japan: A Paradise for Noodle-Lovers
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        Is there any creature more feared by humans than sharks? Being afraid of sharks seems perfectly rational given both their massive size and their razor-sharp teeth, which can cut through human skin like a knife through butter. However, with this scary image in mind, it is worth mentioning that sharks have never been an immediate danger to humans. Human flesh does not feature in their natural diet, and most species of shark will feel compelled to attack a human only if they perceive that they are under threat. If this fact surprises you, you will no doubt enjoy the other fascinating features of sharks detailed below.

        First, sharks have no bones. Instead, they have skeletons made up of cartilage, which is far lighter than bone. This characteristic enables sharks to stay close to the surface of the water, which, in turn, allows them to use the air above the water to sense the location of their prey.

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        In addition to the five senses that humans have, sharks also have tiny black marks on their faces that can sense electric currents. This is another feature that aids a shark in catching its prey.

        Finally, although sharks are extremely skilled predators, they do have a weakness. Specifically, if you flip a shark upside down, it falls into a trance-like state where it is immobile and therefore vulnerable. This weakness is used as a tool by scientists when they need a shark to keep still so that they can administer a medical treatment.

        As you can see, not only are sharks barely a threat to humans, but they are also fascinating creatures that occupy a vital place in the ocean ecosystem.


1. Why do sharks NOT pose an immediate threat to humans?

(A)  Because humans give off no electricity.

(B)  Because humans have more senses than sharks.

(C)  Because humans are not part of a shark’s usual diet.

(D)  Because sharks hunt only in deep water.

2. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true? 

(A)  A shark’s skeleton is composed of tissue lighter than bone.

(B)  Sharks are so strong that they don’t have any shortcomings.

(C)  Humans fear sharks because they have a preference for human meat.

(D) Black marks on sharks’ faces help them stay near the surface of the sea.

3. What do sharks have that humans do not have?

(A) Bones.

(B) Teeth.

(C) Cartilage.

(D) The ability to sense an electric current.

4. According to the passage, under what circumstance might a shark be in the following posture?


(A)  When it wants to attract prey.

(B)  When it is avoiding predators.

(C)  When it is going to threaten humans.

(D)  When it is being treated for a medical condition.


答案: 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.D 



Words in Use
a. 迷人的
a. 理性的 ; 合理的
a. 巨大的;大量的
vt. 迫使
vt. 察覺;認為
a. 典型的(皆與介詞 of 並用)
n. 特徵
n. 捕食者,掠食者
n. 空翻
vt. 翻轉;擲(硬幣)
a. 不活動的
a. 脆弱的 ; (生理或心理) 易受傷的
vt. 管理;執行 / 實施(法律等);給予(藥物、治療等)
n. 偏愛
vt. & vi. 介意
n. 頭腦
be composed of
Practical Phrases
with... in mind

With his weekend plans in mind, Davey decided not to work overtime on Friday.

feature in...

Chili peppers and chicken are often featured in Mexican cuisine.

be under threat

This area is under threat from the great number of tourists visiting it.

Bob's job might be under threat if he doesn't meet the sales target.

be made up of...

The puzzle is made up of a hundred pieces.

in turn

Tracy started working out, which in turn helped her get in shape and increase her energy.

with... in mind

Ada's father doesn't allow her to stay out late. With that in mind, she left the party early.

With his family in mind, Paul started working fewer hours each week.


prey [ pre ] n. 獵物(集合名詞,不可數)

In order to survive, lions must attack their prey.


以下介紹 prey 作名詞時的搭配用法:

a. be easy prey (for / to...) 是(⋯⋯)容易到手的獵物/下手的對象

Women walking alone in dark areas are easy prey for attackers.


b. fall prey to sth 成為某事物的受害者/犧牲品

Female employees often fall prey to gender bias in the workplace.


c. bird / beast of prey 食肉猛禽/猛獸

Like other birds of prey, owls have sharp beaks and claws that they use to tear their food to pieces before eating it.

如同其他猛禽,貓頭鷹的喙和爪子都很鋒利,能在 食用獵物前將之撕成碎片。

prey 也可以作動詞用。

d. prey on / upon... 捕食/獵食⋯⋯

Eagles prey on small animals such as fish, birds, snakes, and rabbits.


e. prey on sb 傷害/欺騙某人(尤指弱勢人群)

Criminals prey on those who look the most vulnerable.




As you can see, not only are sharks barely a threat to humans, but they are also fascinating creatures that...

介紹對等連接詞片語 “not only... but also...” 的用法

not only... but (also)... 不僅⋯⋯(而且)也⋯⋯

= not merely... but (also)...

= not only / merely... but... as well

※ “not only... but also...” 是由基本的對等連接詞 but 變化而來,可用以連接對等的單字、片語和子句。

a. 連接單字:

Ed is not only a doctor but (also) a writer.


b. 連接片語:

Eric went to the United States not only to learn English but (also) to learn more about American culture. 艾瑞克去美國不僅去學英語,也是去多了解美國文 化。

c. 連接子句:

Doris succeeded not only because she is intelligent but (also) because she is hard- working.


※ “not only... but (also)...” 連接對等的主詞時,其後的 動詞要隨 but (also) 之後的主詞變化。

Not only I but also my sister loves to eat chocolate.


※ “not only... but (also)...” 連接對等的主要子句且 not only 置於句首時,not only 視為否定副詞,因此其後 的第一個主要子句要倒裝;but also 僅為連接詞,故 其後的第二個主要子句不須倒裝。

Not only did we get a good grade for our project, but we also got a cash prize.

= Not only did we get a good grade for our project, but we got a cash prize as well.




Not only _____, but she can also play the piano.

(A) she can sing

(B) can sing she

(C) she sings

(D) can she sing










  1. 為什麼鯊魚不會對人類造成直接的威脅?
    (A) 因為人類不會放電。
    (B) 因為人類比鯊魚擁有更多的知覺。
    (C) 因為人類不是鯊魚日常飲食的一部分。
    (D) 因為鯊魚僅在深水中捕食。

  2. 根據本文,下列哪項敘述是正確的?
    (A) 鯊魚的骨骼由比骨頭輕的組織組成。
    (B) 鯊魚非常強壯,所以沒有任何弱點。
    (C) 因為鯊魚偏愛吃人肉,所以人類很怕牠們。
    (D) 鯊魚臉上的黑色斑點有助於牠們待在靠近海面的地方。

  3. 鯊魚擁有什麼人類所沒有的?
    (A) 骨頭。 (B) 牙齒。 (C) 軟骨。 (D) 感知電流的能力。

  4. 根據本文,鯊魚在什麼情況下會呈現以下姿勢?
    (A) 當牠想要吸引獵物時。
    (B) 當牠要避開掠食者時。
    (C) 當牠即將要威脅人類時。
    (D) 當牠因身體狀況而被治療時。
答案: 1. C 2. A. 3 D. 4 D

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Mark Darvill
Mark Darvill
Don’t let the noise of other people’s opinions drown your inner voice.