深入台灣|本集 精彩教學影片(講解老師:Stephen & Betty 老師)
感謝喜愛教學影片的讀者, 7 月適逢老師放暑假期間,影片暫停拍攝,讀者們仍可透過 精彩教學講解音檔 學習!
Summer is one of the best times to visit Dadaocheng because that’s when the Taipei Summer Festival takes place. In the past, the festival was held on the weekend before the Qixi Festival. However, in 2023, the government extended it to 51 days, from July to August.
Did you see the fireworks display on New Year’s Eve?
Milly loves to sit by the window and take in the view of the ocean.
A good writer can bring characters to life.
Karen gazed at Johnson in amazement when he said that he would marry his elementary schoolmate, Joan.