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When you hear the words “tiny house,” you probably think they refer, quite simply, to a very small house. However, this term actually represents dwellings of a specific size: those with no more than 37 square meters of floor space. Often, a tiny house is located on the property of a larger dwelling and is built to accommodate an additional family member. Since the individual living in a tiny house is often an elderly relative, these structures have increasingly been referred to as “granny flats” in recent years. However, the more formal term for this kind of building is an accessory dwelling unit (ADU).
By investing in real estate, Tom made a huge fortune.
Cybercrime refers to any crime committed through the internet.
Do not refer to Mandy as your girlfriend. She's your ex-girlfriend now.
The new software smoothly integrates into the existing systems.
I didn’t invite Frank, but he just popped up at the party.
All the classrooms are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities.