全球節慶 |本集 精彩教學影片(講解老師:Stephen & Bernice 老師)
Father’s Day is also celebrated in many other countries. However, many countries put their own twist on this special day for dads.
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In Germany, Father’s Day is called Vatertag and is celebrated 40 days after Easter. On this day, it is common for groups of men to go on outings to hike, picnic, and drink with their close friends. Traditionally, Russian Father’s Day used to occur on February 23 to honor the Russian soldiers who fought for their country. Large festivals and special parades were held to honor the courage of past and present national heroes. In 2021, however, the government announced Father’s Day as an official holiday and moved the date to the third Sunday of October.
In Japan, fathers often receive flowers from their kids, in addition to small gifts like ties, sake, or wallets. Brazilians celebrate Father’s Day on the second Sunday of August. In some years, this takes place around the same time as the World Cup. Therefore, families often throw gatherings to allow sons and daughters to spend time with their fathers while watching exciting soccer matches.
Although Father’s Day traditions vary from country to country, the main purpose of the holiday is to pay tribute to caring fathers who do so much for their families.
In addition to attending school during the day, Sandy goes to work at night.
The meeting will take place on Thursday afternoon.
The cost of living varies from country to country.
The cost of living varies from country to country.
❶ Jim ___________________________ speak up in front of the entire class.
courage / lacks / to / the
❷ Frank works at night ________________________________ school during the day.
attending / to / in / addition
❸ The legal driving age ________________________________ country.
from / varies / to / country
1. Jim lacks the courage to speak up in front of the entire class.
2. Frank works at night in addition to attending school during the day.
3. The legal driving age varies from country to country.
在德國,父親節稱作 Vatertag,於復活節後的第四十天慶祝。在這一天,男性普遍會與親近的朋友們成群出遊遠足、野餐並飲酒。傳統上,俄羅斯的父親節過去是於二月二十三日舉行,以紀念為國奮戰的俄國士兵。會舉辦盛大慶典與特殊遊行以紀念過去與現代民族英雄的勇氣。然而,在 2021 年,政府宣布將父親節定為官方節日,並將日期移至十月的第三個星期日。