深入臺灣 |本篇為「Premium文章」想看完整文章請訂閱 IVY Engrest!|本集 精彩教學影片(講解老師:Bruce & Antony老師)
Today, Sanyi is an important hub for the art industry in Taiwan. It’s also a must-visit destination for anyone who is interested in woodcarving. The Sanyi Wood Sculpture Museum, which opened in 1990, is a great place to take in incredible sculptures that represent the talent and cultural heritage of Sanyi. The museum also educates guests on the history of the region and features a classroom where people can try their hand at woodcarving.
Milly loves to sit by the window and take in the view of the ocean.
The teacher will educate the students on the importance of learning English.
Emma tried her hand at painting once and discovered she loved it.
Picasso’s paintings are now on display at the museum.