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The yo-yo is a simple yet captivating toy beloved by both children and adults around the world. While the origin of this delightful toy is the subject of debate, the most popular theory seems to be that the yo-yo first emerged in China around 1000 BC. Early evidence also suggests that disk-shaped objects resembling modern yo-yos existed in ancient Greece in 500 BC. Made mainly out of painted terracotta, the Greek yo-yo was more of a symbol to signify a child’s coming of age than an actual toy.
My grandparents are going to attend my coming of age ceremony next month.
The sculpture is made out of recycled metal by a talented artist.
Fred’s remark was more of a criticism than helpful advice.
The decision paved the way for a future merger with another company.
Thompson's teammates credited him with leading the team to victory.
Jill was not familiar with the software initially, but she became proficient before long.