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H = Howard L = Linda
H: Why are you snapping at everyone today?
L: I’m under a lot of pressure.
H: Aren’t we all?
L: Yeah, but the big cheese from our European division is coming in today.
H: Really? I had no idea. Is there anything I can do?
L: Just lie low for the day. I’ll handle everything.
H: OK. If you need me, I’m just a phone call away.
cheese 指「乳酪」,關於 big cheese 的起源有許多不同說法,其中一種認為,乳酪在過去是一種奢侈品,象徵財富與地位,只有富裕階層才負擔得起;此外,乳酪在許多菜餚中扮演重要的角色,且與財富、地位和品味密切相關,因此 big cheese 被引申為社會或組織中的「大人物」或「身居要位的人」。
• A big cheese is coming back to take over the company after the president retires.
Some people do very well under pressure.
We can finish the job quicker if we all pitch in.
You might have done your best, but that's just not enough.
Whatever I do, I stick to my principles.