英語聊天室 |本篇為「Premium文章」想看完整文章請訂閱 IVY Engrest!|本集 精彩教學影片(講解老師:Stevie & Betty 老師)
Dialogue A
J: Jenny N: Nick
It’s the last day of classes before the Christmas holiday break.
J: Hi, Nick. Do you have any plans over the holidays?
N: Yes, I’m heading back to my hometown on the 27th.
J: The 27th? Why aren’t you going back sooner?
N: I wasn’t able to get a flight until then. All the flights before that were either fully booked or too expensive.
J: I see. That means you’ll be here for Christmas, right?
N: Yes, it looks that way.
The restaurant was fully booked, so Tammy couldn’t make a reservation.