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Have you ever wondered how an athlete who once performed flawlessly can unexpectedly struggle with the simplest tasks? Imagine an __1__ pitcher who suddenly can’t find the strike zone—this is the “yips” in action.
This __2__ phenomenon primarily affects athletes in sports like baseball and golf. It is characterized by a sudden loss of motor skills, leading to difficulties with routine actions that were __3__ before, such as a pitcher’s throw or a golfer’s putt. For instance, American baseball pitcher Steve Blass, who had a stellar performance in the 1971 World Series, suffered a sudden inability to throw __4__ just a few years later. As a result, this condition is sometimes referred to as “Steve Blass disease.” It demonstrates how suddenly and __5__ the yips can derail an athlete’s performance.
At the race, I saw great professional drivers in action.
The president of the US is sometimes referred to as the chief executive.
Our misunderstandings arose from a lack of communication.
Ben’s failure resulted from laziness.