Chris, Antony
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A national pastime in France—being critical of everything 法國的國民娛樂 ── 凡事都可以批評一下
In France, conversations frequently begin with a long sigh. Then, the person might talk about how bad the weather is. Or, they may complain about a noisy neighbor. These examples might make it seem like the French are always in a bad mood. Yet in France, the art of complaining is a well-appreciated tradition.
In French, there are different words used to describe complaining. The verb se plaindre is used for ordinary complaining. On the contrary, the verb râler describes complaining for fun, and this is what the French enjoy the most. Generally, the French have a tendency to be hard on the government rather than on private matters. It’s no wonder that protests in France are an integral part of its culture.
法文有各種不同的字來描述抱怨。se plaindre 這個動詞是用作一般的抱怨。相對地,râler 這個動詞則是用來形容把抱怨當成樂趣,而這正是法國人最喜歡做的事。一般來說,法國人常常會嚴厲批評政府而不是那些私人事務。這也難怪示威抗議是法國文化不可或缺的一部份。
Sometimes there is so much complaining in French conversations that it can seem like a battle. In their eyes, however, disagreeing and complaining are signs that a person is giving an honest opinion instead of just being polite. Research suggests that complaining may even be a healthy habit. Several studies have shown that people who bottle up negative emotions tend to be more aggressive and more likely to get heart disease. So, the next time something bothers you, try following the French way by voicing a complaint.
You Can Do This
1. People have _____________________________________ the minister has handled the affair.
critical / the way / been / of
2. 2. Zion ________________________________________________________ when he’s excited.
too much / to talk / a tendency / has
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You Can Do This:
1. People have been critical of the way the minister has handled the affair.
2. Zion has a tendency to talk too much when he’s excited
Most environmentalists are critical of building a dam in that area.
We tend to take natural resources for granted nowadays.