
✶ 瘋玩滑板 帥「翻」全場 One Kickflip to Rule Them All

One Kickflip to Rule Them All
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✶ 瘋玩滑板 帥「翻」全場 One Kickflip to Rule Them All
滑板運動僅在幾十年內,就在全球帶來可觀的文化影響力。滑板 不僅是一項運動,它也可以全然是種生活方式。
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滑板運動項目將在夏季奧運初試啼聲。 Skateboarding will make its debut appearance at the Summer Olympics.

瘋玩滑板 帥「翻」全場 One Kickflip to Rule Them All

In just a few decades, skateboarding has had an enormous cultural impact that can be seen around the world. It is not merely a sport; skateboarding can be an entire lifestyle. It is an activity for individuals, not teams, so every person has the chance to offer their own creative way to demonstrate what they think is cool and stylish. There are brands of clothing, shoes, boards, and even genres of music and art that are closely connected with the world of skateboarding.


merely [ ˈmɪrlɪ ] adv. 僅僅,只是
stylish [ ˈstaɪlɪʃ ] a. 有風格的,時髦的

瘋玩滑板 帥「翻」全場 One Kickflip to Rule Them All

More importantly, the idea of skateboarding as an “outsider sport” has resulted in a close community of skaters who have made it their life’s work to give young people access to the world of skateboarding. The first famous skaters are still alive today, and many of them have started their own companies for merchandise, equipment, events, and entertainment.


life’s work  傾注畢生心血的工作;畢生事業
merchandise [ ˈmɝtʃənˌdaɪz] n. 商品,貨品

瘋玩滑板 帥「翻」全場 One Kickflip to Rule Them All

In a recent study funded by skateboarding legend Tony Hawk, it was found that small skater communities in the US are supporting the mental health of young people by offering them a safe place to relieve stress. Organizations like the Skatepark Project, founded by Hawk, aim to teach young people valuable life lessons that will be carried far beyond the skatepark.

在最近由滑板傳奇東尼‧霍克贊助的一項研究中發現,藉由提供青少年一個安全的場所來舒緩壓力,美國小規模的滑板圈給予了年輕人心理健康上的幫助。有些像是東尼‧霍克創立的 Skatepark Project 這樣的組織,致力於傳授給年輕人能帶到滑板場之外的寶貴人生經驗。

fund [ fʌnd ] vt. 提供資金,資助
relieve [ rɪˈliv ] vt. 緩和,減輕


袋滑板傳奇 Tony Hawk
如果你有在溜滑板,就不能不知道這位滑板界的傳奇—東尼‧霍克(Tony Hawk),他的地位就如同籃壇的 Michael Jordan 一般。他最出名的莫過於擔當首位在錄影中做出空中翻轉 900 度的滑板手。


You Can Do This

  1. Damian assured his girlfriend that he had (calmly / merely / gently) sprained his ankle.
  2. The hacker tried to gain (credit / status / access) to the rich man’s bank account .
  3. Vicky took some painkillers to (return / relieve / receive) her toothache.



一鳴「鯨」人 ── 大自然的驚奇 Whale Tales
有你的人生真美「喵」 For the Love of Bob
常深情看著你、也是最懂你的汪星人 Man’s Best Friend and Doctor

You Can Do This: 1. merely 2. access 3. relieve

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