
✶ 實境節目你追了嗎?(下) The Story of Reality TV

The Story of Reality TV
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✶ 實境節目你追了嗎?(下) The Story of Reality TV
真人實境節目有許多種類型。除了《我要活下去》之外,大多數 的競賽類節目皆為才藝競賽。
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Eurovision《歐洲歌唱大賽》 (source: Review News / Shutterstock.com)

      There are many different kinds of reality TV. Outside of Survivor , most contest shows are talent competitions. On these programs, winners are chosen either by viewers, judges, or some combination of both. Musical contests, from American Idol to Eurovision, can be found worldwide. In addition, there are competitions based on all kinds of talents for people from all walks of life. Here’s a list of jobs: drag queen, cook, clothing designer, businessman, glass blower, and President of America. Among all of these, only the competition for the last one doesn’t have a reality show—yet!

   真人實境節目有許多種類型。除了《我要活下去》之外,大多數的競賽類節目皆為才藝競賽。在這些節目裡,優勝者會由觀眾、評審或是由部分結合兩者的形式遴選出來。從《美國偶像》到《歐洲歌唱大賽》,音樂類競賽實境節目在全世界比比皆是。此外,有些競賽會以來自各行各業人們的各種才藝作為基礎。在這邊列了一則職業清單: 變裝皇后、廚師、服裝設計師、商人、吹玻璃工人以及美國總統。在所有這些職業裡,只有最後一個沒有一個競賽類的真人實境節目 ── 只是還沒而已!

outside of...  除了……之外 
a drag [ ˈdræg ] queen  變裝皇后


The Osbournes《奧斯本一家》 (source: s_bukley / Shutterstock.com)

   Shows focused on a job aren’t always competitions. Running Wild with Bear Grylls displays survivor skills that any Survivor contestant could benefit from! Another genre, the “docusoap,” combines reality TV with characters you might find in a soap opera. One of the earliest instances was The Osbournes, which showed the life of a rockstar and his family. Keeping Up with the Kardashians is another example, and it has been on air since 2007!

   專注於某一個職業的實境節目並非總是屬於競賽類。《荒野求生全明星》這個節目展現了使任何《我要活下去》參賽者都能獲益匪淺的生存者技能。有另外一種節目類型則是稱為「紀實性電視娛樂節目」 ( 編按:亦稱「紀實肥皂劇」),結合了真人實境節目以及你也許會在肥 皂劇中看到的角色。其中最早期的一個例子就是《奧斯本一家》,這個節目呈現了一位搖滾巨星及其家人的生活。《與卡戴珊一家同行》是另一個例子,這齣節目從 2007 年就開播!

docusoap [ ˈdɑkjusop ] n. 紀實肥皂劇
a soap opera  肥皂劇

   Makeover shows are another classic of reality TV. Extreme Makeover: Home Edition is a show where families going through major hardships are given mind-blowing house renovations. Now the genre has expanded to include weight loss programs and style makeover projects. There really is a reality show for everyone!


makeover [ ˈmekovɚ ] n. 改造,改觀;美容
mind-blowing [ ˈmaɪndˌbloɪŋ ] a. 令人驚奇∕印象深刻的
renovation [ ˌrɛnəˈveʃən ] n. 裝修,整修


You Can Do This    英文試金石

  1. We have (expanded / exchanged / exposed) our business by opening two more restaurants.
  2. People from all (paths / ways / walks) of life, ranging from waiters to bank managers, were at the party.
  3. My mother always says that experiencing (membership / hardship / ownership) helps build up one’s character


Ans: 1. expanded 2. walks 3. hardship


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