專題特寫 | 本集 精彩教學影片(講解老師:Bruce & Antony 老師)
A final act of love for the planet we live on
In the past, deciding what to do with a person’s body after they died usually came down to two choices—cremation or burial in a coffin. In recent years, people have become more concerned about the environmental impact of these traditional practices.
In America, burying the dead requires considerable resources. Over 1.5 million tons of concrete, almost 65,000 tons of steel, and 15 million liters of embalming fluid are used each year. It takes 113 liters of fuel to cremate just one single corpse. These figures have led to increasing demand for green burials, or more eco-friendly practices.
Green burials aim to show respect for the dead while limiting the use of land and other natural resources needed to deal with human remains. Environmentalists also hope to protect the Earth by reducing the use of harmful chemicals for preserving dead bodies.
For those wishing to take an ecofriendly route out of this world, there are several modern green burial options. These include being buried at sea or placed in a biodegradable urn. However, these methods still leave a carbon footprint. The greenest burial method is simply to place the body in the earth without a coffin and allow nature to take its course.
The decision to go on the hike will come down to the weather on that day.
♦ 介紹「It takes + 條件 + to V」的用法
此用法中的 it 為虛主詞,take 表「需要」,後面接名詞或動名詞表示「條件」,再接不定詞片語(to V)表「目的」,此不定詞片語才是真正的主詞。
It takes + 條件 (+ for sb) + to V ( 某人)從事⋯⋯需要某條件(代價、努力、精力等)
例: It takes two people to carry this box of books.
例: It took a lot of courage for John to speak up.
♦ 下列句構中的 take 亦表「需要」:
1. All it takes is... 所需要的只是⋯⋯;只要⋯⋯即可
例: All it takes is a little practice every day, and you will get better.
2. have what it takes to V 有條件/能力做⋯⋯
例: Sam doesnʼt have what it takes to become a class leader.
❶ 這項專案需要相當長的時間才能完成。
This project requires a(n) ___________ amount of time to complete.
❷ 飛機運行需要大量的燃料。
Planes run on large amounts of ______.
❸ 蓋瑞的方法比傑瑞的有效。
Garyʼs _______ is more effective than Jerryʼs.
答案: 1. considerable 2. fuel 3. method
在過去,決定如何處理一個人死後的遺體通常總歸有兩種選擇── 火化或埋葬在棺材裡。近年來,人們愈來愈關心這些傳統作法對環境的影響。