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A 題組
1. 許多縣市都設有專線供人民撥打,以便能更直接服務民眾。
2. 撥打該專線可以處理各項需求,例如檢舉違規停車、詢問法規相關事宜及其他等等。
1. 第一題可譯為:
Many counties and cities have established hotlines that people can call (into), which allows them to provide services directly to the public.
2. 第二題可譯為:
Calling this hotline can address various needs, such as reporting illegal parking and inquiring about regulatory matters, among others.
B 題組
1. 有些人一接到詐騙電話時,會試圖咒罵或教訓對方。
2. 但這麼做可能會在對談中洩漏更多個資,因此最好的做法是立刻掛斷電話。
1. 第一題可譯為:
Upon receiving a scam call, some people may try to curse out or lecture the caller.
2. 第二題可譯為:
However, doing so may disclose more personal information during the conversation, so the best course of action is to hang up as soon as possible.
William and Kate, among others, came home for their friend's funeral.
威廉和凱特還有其他人都回去參加他們朋友的葬 禮。
The coach cursed out the referee after what he believed was a bad call.
Tom hung up on me without saying goodbye.