


【名師解題:新多益閱讀攻略 TOEIC Reading Test】#8 單篇閱讀 - text message chain

#閱讀測驗 #多益TOEIC #多益閱讀刷題攻略
|閱讀時間約 25分鐘
【名師解題:新多益閱讀攻略 TOEIC Reading Test】#8 單篇閱讀 - text message chain
由台大名師 Karen、Wesley 主持,帶大家練習多益閱讀部分的四種題型,每週三準時上文,助大家轉職、外派、加薪一臂之力(請點擊上方綠色按鈕聆聽 ↑)
延伸閱讀 >> 【多益單字】spend、cost、take 都是「花費」哪裡不一樣?

Part 7 Reading Comprehension 單篇閱讀

Directions: In this part, you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

大題 / 題型 題數 答題時間
Part 7 Reading Comprehension 單篇閱讀 29(10 則單篇閱讀,每則 2-4 題) 每題 60秒


Questions 1-2 refer to the following text message chain.

Marlon Goldberg 3:34 p.m.
Hi, Burt. I’m on my way to the airport. Could you check to see if the material from EverWear
Textiles has been delivered yet?
Burt Orwoski 3:36 p.m.
Unfortunately, it hasn’t arrived yet. I believe they said it would be here before the end of the day.
Marlon Goldberg 3:40 p.m.
I hope so. We can’t afford any delays. The material is needed to make garments for a very important client. They won’t be happy if we miss any delivery deadlines.
Burt Orwoski 3:43 p.m.
Understood. Would you like me to phone them to ask for the specific delivery time?
Marlon Goldberg 3:44 p.m.
I think that might be best. Call me the moment the material arrives at the factory. Thanks.


1. At 3:40 p.m., what does Mr. Goldberg mean when he writes, “We can’t afford any delays”?
(A) Waiting for the material will increase costs.
(B) The customer will expect a discount.
(C) Missing deadlines is unacceptable.
(D) The company is already late on the order.

2. For what type of business does Mr. Goldberg most likely work?
(A) A delivery company
(B) A clothing manufacturer
(C) A construction company
(D) A travel agency




1. 金柏格先生在下午 3:40 說「我們無法容許任何延誤」是什麼意思?

(A) 等待布料會增加成本。
(B) 客戶會預期有折扣。
(C) 無法如期到貨是不能被接受的。
(D) 公司的訂單已經延誤了。

於下午 3:40,金柏格先生後面接著說:「這批布料是為一個非常重要的客戶製作成衣所需的。如果我們來不及出貨,他們會很不高興。」表示客戶無法接受延誤,故 (C) 項應為正選。

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