
水逆發威 如何防備?(下) The Mysterious Movements of Mercury

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水逆發威 如何防備?(下) The Mysterious Movements of Mercury
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文章主講 Bruce, Angela, Wesley

If one is able to leave science aside and delve purely into the mystical world, then Mercury in retrograde becomes a truly worrying occurrence . For those who believe in Roman mythology, the god Mercury, from which the planet ’s name is derived , is said to be in control of travel, business, financial wealth, and communication. In astrology, this connection extends to the planet itself, and when the planet reverses course, these aspects are thought to be disrupted . As a result, Mercury in retrograde is seen as a bad omen , particularly in the areas that the god Mercury is said to govern . For example, the celestial phenomenon may be blamed for disruptions in communication, lost emails, problems with international flights, or even miscommunication among coworkers.

Given the fact that Mercury in retrograde occurs about three or four times in an Earth year and lasts for three weeks at a time, this is troublesome to those who attribute the bad luck to these astrological theories. Fortunately, for those true believers, a whole set of dos and don ’ts have been created to offer a little peace of mind. Let’s take a brief look at them.

Don’t Do

Rely on technology too much: sometimes, it ’s best to write things down on paper rather than take the chance that your computer will crash at the last minute.

Be unrealistic : even at the best of times, denying reality can have dangerous consequences; however, during Mercury in retrograde, doing so courts disaster.

Exaggerate : bending the truth during this time can really backfire , astrologers warn.

► Back up your data on your computer and smartphone so you don’t lose important information.

► Look at the big picture and brainstorm solutions: during these troubling times, it ’s best to use your brainpower to its best advantage .

1. Which is the best description of Mercury in retrograde?

(A) A problem experienced only by small planets.

(B) A belief that exists only in astrological theories.

(C) A natural phenomenon related to a planet ’s movement.

(D) A backward movement of the Earth that happens three or four times a year.

2. Which of the following is true, according to the passage?

(A) Astronomers think Mercury in retrograde causes many problems.

(B) Astrologers believe Mercury in retrograde is merely an illusion.

(C) The Earth moves faster around the Sun than Mercury does.

(D) Other planets also appear to move in a retrograde pattern.

3. What is the god of Mercury NOT said to control?

(A) Financial matters.

(B) Love and romance.

(C) Travel to other places.

(D) Communication between people.

4. Based on the passage, who is doing something they shouldn ’t when Mercury is in retrograde?

(A) Alfred: I always have a copy of my files in my flash drive to preserve all the information I need.

(B) Calvin: I don ’t do the things that I consider impractical, such as investing too much money in a business.

(C) Elva: I try to come up with as many solutions as possible when I encounter a problem.

(D) Susan: I usually have my schedule on my laptop so that I can check it any time.


Ans: 1 C 2 D 3 B 4 D

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Brian Foden
Every failure is a step to success.