
忠於自我的萌牛費迪南(下) The Story of a Gentle Giant【本篇為全程英文講解】

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忠於自我的萌牛費迪南(下) The Story of a Gentle Giant
>> 一隻狗的遺囑 The Last Will and Testament of an Extremely Distinguished Dog



文章主講 Karen, Chris

Although The Story of Ferdinand was written for kids, it hints at some deeper themes . One is the idea that nonviolence can succeed. When Ferdinand is pushed to fight the matador, he refuses to comply . This makes the people in the stadium angry, and they do more to instigate a reaction. Eventually, they lose interest and give up, and Ferdinand is allowed to return home. If Ferdinand had fought back, however, he would most likely have lost his life. The story also encourages children to find their own way in life. Ferdinand finds happiness because he refuses to conform and behave like the other bulls.

The book’s author, Munro Leaf, published many children’s books during his career. Prior to becoming a writer, Leaf taught English and worked as an editor for a publishing company. Remarkably , he claimed that he finished The Story of Ferdinand in under an hour. The concept came to him suddenly on a rainy afternoon. He wrote it to provide work for his unemployed friend, Robert Lawson, who would later draw the book’s illustrations . Leaf selected a bull as the story’s protagonist because the animal wasn’t a hero in any other popular children’s stories.

Upon its release in 1936, the book became an instant best seller. A big reason for its appeal is that the story is simple and allows readers to use their imagination to attach ideas and meaning to it. Mahatma Gandhi loved the book because it taught children the principles of nonviolence. Hitler, on the other hand, banned the book and labeled it a work of “ democratic propaganda .” Although the book stirred up lots of discussion and controversy , Leaf insisted that his sole purpose for writing the book was to entertain children.

忠於自我的萌牛費迪南(上) The Story of a Gentle Giant
《 THE STORY OF FERDINAND》2011 圖片轉引自:https://is.gd/pNOnGS


★ 中文翻譯僅供參考,請勿逐字逐句對照

該書於 1936 年發行後隨即成為暢銷著作。該書有魅力的一大原因是故事簡單明瞭,讓讀者得以運用他們的想像力,將想法及意義與之聯繫在一起。聖雄甘地因為它教導孩子非暴力的道德原則而愛上這本書。另一方面,希特勒將它列為禁書,稱其為「宣傳民主主義的作品」。雖然該書引發許多討論及爭議,但里夫堅稱他寫該書的唯一目的就是要娛樂孩子。

>> 一隻狗的遺囑 The Last Will and Testament of an Extremely Distinguished Dog

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Jamie Blackler
Jamie Blackler
Always believe in the impossible!