
PUI PUI !天竺鼠駕到! The Incredible and Furry Guinea Pig

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PUI PUI !天竺鼠駕到! The Incredible and Furry Guinea Pig
>> ✶奇妙的龍蝦世界 For the Love of Lobsters

文章主講 Karen, Wesley

From pet shops to high-tech labs, the humble guinea pig has likely had an effect on all of us. But what exactly are these furry creatures? And what makes them so special?

Guinea pigs are small rodents native to South America, and most of the breeds we would recognize were domesticated around 3,000 years ago. In ancient Peru, people kept them mostly as a food source—just as many other cultures would keep chickens or pigs—because they were easy to raise and a reliable source of protein. And also like chickens and pigs, the modern versions people today are familiar with are completely different from their ancestors.

In more recent years, though, the guinea pigs’ role in the modern world has changed. They are still raised as livestock in some parts of South America though it’s now much more common to keep them as pets. Guinea pigs are quite sociable and make excellent companions. They are also strong communicators, with a variety of sounds that humans can use to understand how they are feeling. For example, guinea pigs will squeal or whistle when they are excited about mealtime or play time and hiss when they are angry. They also purr—though this is different from a cat’s purr—a low purr means contentment, while a high-pitched chatter means annoyance.

Besides living with humans, guinea pigs have also benefited people in their role as laboratory animals. Besides being easy to raise and care for, they have certain features that make them excellent animals for medical research. For instance, they were considered a model test subject for research on tuberculosis and played a critical role in eliminating the disease. We owe the guinea pig a debt of gratitude for its sacrifice for our health and safety.

1.    Where would this passage most likely be found?
(A)    In a research paper.
(B)    In a history textbook.
(C)    In a pet shop brochure.
(D)    In a high-tech magazine.

2.    Which of the following is true about the domestication of guinea pigs?
(A)    Ancient people in Peru used to eat them.
(B)    They are exactly the same as their wild ancestors.
(C)    They were first domesticated around 5,000 years ago.
(D)    Ancient people found them very difficult to raise and keep.

3.    Why does the author mention tuberculosis in the last paragraph?
(A)    The disease started with guinea pigs.
(B)    Guinea pigs were used in studying the disease.
(C)    Guinea pigs were a notable scientist’s favorite pet.
(D)    A chemical guinea pigs produce cures tuberculosis.

 素養題  4.    Four kids are talking about their pet guinea pigs. According to the information from the passage, who is obviously lying?

(A) Whenever I feed my guinea pig, it squeals and runs to the food bowl. Whenever I feed my guinea pig, it squeals and runs to the food bowl.
(B) My guinea pig was making a high-pitched sound earlier. It might be annoyed. My guinea pig was making a high-pitched sound earlier. It might be annoyed.
(C) I see my guinea pig as a good friend. It keeps me company when I am at home. I see my guinea pig as a good friend. It keeps me company when I am at home.
(D) My guinea pig purrs and sounds exactly like my pet cat. My guinea pig purrs and sounds exactly like my pet cat.


Ans: 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D

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