
可樂中的神奇植物:可樂果 The Kola Nut —An Overview

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可樂果採自一種大型常綠樹木,這種果和樹原產於西非 的熱帶雨林
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文章主講 Karen, Wesley

01:25  Karen 老師朗讀
03:08  標題 & 第一段講解
09:47  第二段講解
12:18  第三段講解
14:12  第四段講解
21:40  第五段講解
22:52  混合題型講解

When most people hear the word “kola,” a bottle of dark, sweet, bubbly soda may be the first image that comes to mind. And although it was once—and possibly still is—an ingredient in the world’s most famous soft drink, the kola nut offers much more than just flavor.

Kola nuts and the large evergreen trees from which they are harvested are native to the tropical rainforests of West Africa, where they have long been revered as a health tonic. The trees produce star-shaped fruits, each housing between two and five white shells. These shells contain the seeds, or kola nuts, which are about the size of a chestnut.

The kola nut is an important cultural symbol for a number of ethnic groups in West Africa. In Nigeria, for example, the nuts have long been offered and also chewed as a symbol of hospitality and respect. In Gambia, they are an important element in weddings, funerals, and baby-naming ceremonies.

Due to its caffeine content, the kola nut has long been used as a natural stimulant. By boosting the heart rate and increasing circulation, it can improve oxygen supply to the skin, brain, and internal organs. The kola nut can also help promote digestion, enhance metabolism, support the immune system, and even lead to weight loss. For these reasons, the kola nut has become a popular ingredient in modern-day energy drinks, performance enhancers, and dietary supplements.

It is important to note, however, that the high level of caffeine found in kola nuts and their extracts can be dangerous to people with certain conditions. These include high blood pressure, heart disease, and sensitivity to caffeine.

  1. What can be inferred from the first paragraph?
    (A) Most nuts are closely related to the kola nut.
    (B) The kola nut is famous for its bitter, nutty flavor.
    (C) The kola nut is an ingredient in all the world’s soft drinks.
    (D) The average person doesn’t know much about the kola nut.
  2. Which word from the third paragraph is closest in meaning to “friendliness”?
  3. Please quote a sentence from the passage to explain how kola nuts may possibly harm people.
  4. Based on the information contained in the passage, which of the following benefits is offered by kola
    nuts? (限勾選 4 格)
□ slow down metabolism □ escalate circulation
□ help lose weight □ cure high blood pressure
□ treat wrinkles on the skin □ boost digestion
□ decrease allergy to caffeine □ get more oxygen to the blood


1. D
2. hospitality
3. It is important to note, however, that the high level of caffeine found in kola nuts and their extracts can be dangerous to people with certain conditions.

□ 減緩新陳代謝 ■ 增強血液循環
■ 幫助減重 □ 治癒高血壓
□ 治療皮膚皺紋 □ 治癒高血壓
□ 減少對咖啡因的過敏 ■ 增加血液的含氧量
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Sean Gale
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