
填字遊戲日 一起來燒腦

Crossword Puzzles
#國外 #節日 #娛樂·新奇
12/21 解析英語




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填字遊戲日 一起來燒腦 Crossword Puzzles
>> 【英文感謝用語大全】從「表達感謝」到「回覆感謝」一次學會!


        Crossword puzzles, or crosswords, are puzzles where people guess words based on numbered clues or definitions. These hints correspond to matching numbered sets of squares, with a limit of one letter per square. The words are arranged horizontally (across) or vertically (down) with some letters forming parts of other words.Crosswords pose a quintessential challenge for anyone who enjoys problem-solving and wants to test their vocabulary skills.

        The first Crossword Puzzle Game appeared in the early 20th century, and its creation is credited to a British journalist from Liverpool named Arthur Wynne. And although crosswords originated in the UK, they actually made their first appearance in print in the New York World newspaper on December 21, 1913. The first crossword puzzle to appear in a British publication only did so in February of 1922.

        Considered one of the most popular puzzles around the world, crossword puzzles can be done just about anytime and anywhere. All you need is a pencil, and a puzzle. Many people like to solve them as they drink their morning coffee because they feel it will speed up their brain and sharpen their mind before they start their day.

        Given that there are so many people out there who are passionate about crossword puzzles, it comes as no surprise that there is a National Crossword Puzzle Day in the USA. On December 21, in honor of the date when the first crossword puzzle was published, people celebrate by either creating a crossword puzzle of their own or by entering a national crossword puzzle tournament or competition.

>> 【清明節】將至,潤餅、連假、塞車英文該怎麼說呢?

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Lauren McCarthy
Lauren McCarthy
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