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A 題組
1. 颱風天時,總有一些民眾喜歡冒著生命危險到海邊觀浪。
2. 為了安全起見,拒絕遵從勸告離開的人可能面臨最高新臺幣二十五萬元的罰款。
1. 第一題可譯為:
On typhoon days, there are always a few people who will go to the beach and risk their lives to see the waves.
2. 第二題可譯為:
For safety reasons, individuals who refuse to comply with urgings to leave may face a maximum fine of up to NT$250,000.
B 題組
1. 在炎熱的天氣中,將熟食放置在室溫下太久可能導致腐敗。
2. 最近的統計數據顯示,因為吃下腐壞食物而就醫的個案顯著增加。
1. 第一題可譯為:
In hot weather, leaving cooked food out at room temperature for too long can lead to spoilage.
2. 第二題可譯為:
Recent statistics show a significant increase in cases of individuals seeking medical attention due to the consumption of spoiled food.
The mayor refused to answer any questions.
There will be serious consequences if you don’t comply with the regulations in this lab.
It s important that you comply with the law.
The stadium is very large and can hold up to 60,000 people.
The driver's carelessness led to the accident.
Ruth requires six months of medical treatment to be cured.
Jim was absent from work yesterday due to illness.