
新聞集錦:1. 2027 太空旅館 住一次 1.4 億臺幣!2. 研究團隊借助 X 光 成功讀取加密古信

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2027 太空旅館 住一次 1.4 億臺幣
未來幾年,隨著航海者太空站宣布將在 2027 年開始營運
>> 全球「熱浪」災情持續,認識幾個「炎熱」相關的新聞英文用字


文章主講 Bruce, Angela, Wesley

First Space Hotel Set to Open in 2027

Travel options are set to get a lot more expansive in the coming years with the announcement that the Voyager Station—a hotel that will orbit 1 the Earth—will be open for business by 2027. The project is the work of Orbital Assembly , which is a large space construction company. Initial estimates by the company’s chief executive John Blincow had the launch of the tourist orbiter set for 2025, but he has cited the coronavirus pandemic as the cause for the delay.

The Voyager Station is expected to be able to accommodate 280 guests and 112 crew members. All guests will need to undergo training for space travel. As for the cost, the current price for a three-and-a-half-day trip is set at a whopping US$5 million.

★ 中文翻譯僅供參考,請勿逐字逐句對照

2027 太空旅館 住一次 1.4 億臺幣!

未來幾年,隨著航海者太空站(一家將繞行地球的旅館)宣布將在 2027 年開始營運,旅行選擇將變得更加廣泛。這項計畫是大型太空建設公司 Orbital Assembly 的建案。該公司執行長約翰.布林考最初預估將這艘觀光軌道飛行器訂於 2025 年發射,但他表示發射時間因新冠病毒疫情而延後。


研究團隊借助 X 光 成功讀取加密古信 Researchers Virtually Read Sealed Letters

Researchers Virtually Read Sealed Letters

In March, an international research team composed of scientists from the US, the UK, and the Netherlands announced that they had managed to read unopened letters from the 1600s using X-ray technology. The letters they analyzed had been “letterlocked”; they had been folded in an intricate way so that the letters were turned into their own envelopes. Due to their age and historical value, the letters could not be opened without doing irrevocable damage to them. This dilemma was tackled by the joint work of conservators, historians, engineers, imaging experts, and other scholars. The researchers scanned the letters with X-ray technology commonly used in dentistry. An algorithm was then applied to the scans, which digitally separated the layers and revealed the content of the letters.

★ 中文翻譯僅供參考,請勿逐字逐句對照

研究團隊借助 X 光 成功讀取加密古信

三月時,一個由美國、英國及荷蘭科學家組成的跨國研究團隊宣布,他們已使用 X 光科技成功讀取了十七世紀的未拆信件。他們分析的這些是「被鎖信」的信件;這些信件以錯綜複雜的方式被折起來,以便能自成信封。由於它們的年代及歷史價值,要打開這些信,勢必會造成無法修復的破壞。這個困境由文物保護工作人員、歷史學家、工程師、成像專家及其他學者的共同合作解決了。這些研究人員用牙科常用的 X 光科技掃描這些信。接著他們將演算法套用於掃描上,以數碼方式將層層相疊的信件分離並顯示出信中的內容。

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