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When most people think of rodents, mice or squirrels probably come to mind. Most people are also not especially fond of rodents. However, a lot of people make exceptions for capybaras, the world’s largest and cutest rodents. Native to South America, capybaras are closely related to guinea pigs, and they like living near bodies of water. Capybaras are usually found near lakes and rivers in densely forested areas. Because they are a highly social species, they can be found in groups.
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Capybaras have chubby bodies, short heads, and brown fur. Adult capybaras can grow over one meter in length, stand up to 60 centimeters tall, and weigh 35 to 66 kilograms on average. It is worth noting that female capybaras are often heavier than males.
They mostly consume aquatic plants and grass, much like cows do. Capybaras also eat their own poop. They do this to produce good bacteria in their stomachs, which can help them get more vitamins and protein from their food.
Just when I didn't know whom to turn to, my college friend Jason came to mind.
Kiwi birds are native to New Zealand.
On average, we work five hours overtime each week.
平均而言,我們一星期加班 5 小時。
❶ 每天攝取足夠的水分以保持健康非常重要。
It’s important to ________ enough water every day to stay healthy.
❷ 據說這種肥皂可以有效殺死衣服上的細菌。
It is said that this soap can effectively kill ________ on clothes.
❸ 雪倫感到胃部一陣劇痛。
Sharon experienced a sharp pain in her _______.
答案: 1. consume 2. bacteria 3. stomach