[發燒話題] [本篇無講解音檔] [電子報精選文章]
Anyone who has traveled around in a foreign country without knowing the language probably understands the difficulty of communicating across various languages. But now, real-time translation is available with just a smartphone app and a pair of earbuds. Although there were similar products in the past, the M2 Earbuds from Timekettle have greatly improved on older product designs.
任何在外國旅行而不了解該國語言的人可能都理解跨語言交流的困難。但現在,只要有一個智慧型手機應用程式以及一副耳機,就能即時進行翻譯。雖然過去也有類似的產品,但來自 Timekettle 的 M2 翻譯耳機已大幅改善舊產品的設計。
The earbuds can operate in three different modes. The first is the Speaker Mode, which is great for translating simple sentences or questions. The earbuds can replay the sentence to help you learn it for yourself. The second is the Listen Mode, where the earbuds actively listen to translate what people nearby are saying. This is great for attending meetings or listening to a class. The last is the Touch Mode, in which two people each use an earbud. They can have a conversation across languages by using the earbud speakers and microphones to translate a conversation line by line, which is pretty incredible!
When online, the Timekettle M2 Earbuds can provide translation for over 40 different languages and 93 accents. There is even offline support for seven of the languages. As technology improves, expect tools like these to become even more impressive.
連接網路時,Timekettle 的 M2 翻譯耳機可以提供超過四十個不同語言及九十三種口音的翻譯。甚至在離線時也有支援七種語言的翻譯。隨著科技日新月異,可以期待像這類的工具變得更令人驚豔。
文中提到的三種翻譯模式是不是很吸引人呢?像是在旅遊時,你就可以使用外放模式,讓你不論在購物、點餐或是搭車時都能輕鬆解決語言問題!而平時若想看影片但沒有字幕也不用擔心,可以開啟聽譯模式使用手機裡的 app 收音,翻譯就會透過耳機播放出來歐!除了上述的這些語音功能之外,手機 app 也有文本翻譯的功能歐,你可以手動輸入或是貼上文字讓 app 幫你翻譯。看完這款翻譯耳機的介紹後,你是不是也心動了呢?趕快去入手一個,讓你的語言學習暢行無阻!
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