
擋不住的衝動性購物 I Should Get This, Right?

I Should Get This, Right?
#克漏字 #心靈·療癒 #購物
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擋不住的衝動性購物 I Should Get This, Right?
>> 「一分錢一分貨」英文怎麼說? 關於「品質」的相關英文說法


   Have you ever been at a store and then suddenly noticed some candy? You didn’t desire the candy before, but you decided to get it anyway. This is called an impulse purchase, and it happens millions of times per day. Stores are set up _(1)_ people will be encouraged to buy on impulse every time they walk in the door.

   An impulse purchase is the act of buying something you didn’t _(2)_ plan to get before going to the store. Did you ever wonder why candy is always on the lower shelves? Once kids are tall enough to see the candy down there, they are likely to beg their parents to buy it on impulse. What about a fridge full of cold drinks as soon as you walk in a convenience store on a hot day? This is also a trick _(3)_ to bring about impulse purchasing. Signs and packages also encourage impulse buying. Have you seen your favorite anime character on something that made you _(4)_ to get it? This is another way to lead people into making impulse purchases.

    The next time you go into a store, look around and see how many things there are _(5)_ impulse buys, and you will be shocked. Even so, you might still end up buying something you didn’t know you wanted.

1. (A) even if (B) so that (C) unless (D) though
2. (A) equally (B) officially (C) originally (D) effectively
3. (A) use (B) used (C) uses (D) using
4. (A) eager (B) scared (C) doubtful (D) unwilling
5. (A) revealing (B) neglecting (C) promoting (D) destroying


答案:1.B 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.C

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