







常春藤官網【英文整聊室】單元每週推出由 賴世雄老師 親自講解本書內容的教學短片,註冊免費會員,可享7天免費體驗。【IVY Engrest 常春藤數位訂閱制】,讓你從此愛上英文!






  1. 5大章節共204個Units點出最常用錯的英文單詞 / 片語 / 句型 / 文法!
  2. 情境例句、易混淆單詞 / 用法搭配圖解,輕鬆學習、一看秒懂! 
  3. 每個Unit後搭配小試身手,立收學習成效!
  4. 適用多益、托福、雅思、英檢、學測、統測等各類英語測驗!



三、擔任高雄電台、ICRT、IC 之音、NEWS 98、飛碟、漢聲、中廣、警廣、復興、環宇……等廣播電臺英語教學節目主播。
四、曾任美加文教機構托福講師18 年,也是臺灣托福成績最高分紀錄保持人之一。



    全書共分5大章節,分別以204個小單元詮釋。包含「常見錯誤用字 / 用詞 / 用語」、「字詞辨異」、「常見多種易混淆用字」、「常見卻易用錯的單字 / 片語 / 句型」以及「生活用語類」;每一則都經過我細心考證、再三確認,絕對是能讓讀者收穫滿滿的一本好書!



Chapter 1 常見錯誤用字 / 用詞 / 用語
Unit 1   「0 度」是 0 degrees或 0 degree?
Unit 2   「一個半小時」是 one and a half hour 或 one and a half hours?
Unit 3   「單詞量大」是 know many vocabularies 或 have a large vocabulary?
Unit 4   「我很喜歡」是 I very like it. 或 I like it very much.?
Unit 5   「想要」是 feel like to V 或 feel like + N/V-ing?
Unit 6   「我認為……不……」是 I don’t think he can... 或 I think he cannot...?
Unit 7   「忙碌」是 be busy + to V 或 be busy + V-ing?
Unit 8   「他和我」是 He as well as I is... 或 He as well as I am...?
Unit 9   「我完全同意」是 I can’t agree with you more. 或 I couldn’t agree with you more.?
Unit 10  「一對一」是 one-on-one 或 one-to-one?
Unit 11  「正要……」是 be about to V when... 或 be about to V then...?
Unit 12  「聯絡」是 contact 人 或 contact with 人?
Unit 13  「與……結婚」是 marry 人 或 marry with 人?
Unit 14  「與……離婚」是 divorce 人 或 divorce with 人?
Unit 15  「與……訂婚」是 engage 人 或 be engaged to 人?
Unit 16  「好消息」是 That’s good news. 或 That’s a good news.?
Unit 17  「一個建議」是 an advice 或 a piece of advice?
Unit 18  「考試不及格」是 fail the test 或 fail in the test?
Unit 19  「考得好」是 do well in the test 或 on the test?
Unit 20  「失敗」是 get a fail 或 get a failure?
Unit 21  「玩玩具」是 play toys 或 play with toys?
Unit 22  「厚衣服」是 thick clothes 或 heavy clothes? 
Unit 23  「恭喜」是 congratulation 或 congratulations? 
Unit 24  「遇到麻煩」是 have trouble to V 或 have trouble V-ing? 
Unit 25  「做……很愉快」是 have fun to V 或 have fun V-ing? 
Unit 26  「得第一名」是 win first place 或 win the first place? 
Unit 27  「我喜歡」是 I love it. 或 I am loving it.?
Unit 28  「微不足道的人或事物」是 a small potato 或 small potatoes?
Unit 29  「照鏡子」是 look into the mirror 或 look at the mirror?
Unit 30  「把衣服穿反了」是 wear 物 outside in 或 wear 物 inside out?
Unit 31  「住飯店」是 stay at the hotel 或 live at the hotel? 
Unit 32  「……已無用」是 It is no use to V 或 It is no use V-ing? 
Unit 33  「不需要」是 need not V 或 need not to V?
Unit 34  「很棒的老師」是 so nice a teacher 或 a so nice teacher? 
Unit 35  「年紀太大」是 too old a man 或 a too old man? 
Unit 36  「被選為市長」是 be elected mayor 或 be elected the mayor?
Unit 37  「總統當選人」是 president-elect 或 president-elected? 
Unit 38  「估計有兩百人」是 an estimate 200 people 或 an estimated 200 people?
Unit 39  「許多的」是 a good many 或 a lot many? 
Unit 40  「我的一位好友」是 the best friend of mine 或 a good friend of mine?
Unit 41   表示「……是必要的」是 It is necessary that he gets...或 It is necessary that he get...?
Unit 42  「英文說得很好」是 speak English very good 或 speak English very well?
Unit 43  「減少」是 be reduced to V 或 be reduced to V-ing?
Unit 44  「10 層樓的建築」是 a 10-story building 或 a 10-floor building?
Unit 45   搭配「市場 market 的介詞」是 on the market 或 in the market? 
Unit 46  「告訴我這是什麼」是 Tell me what is it 或 Tell me what it is? 
Unit 47  「較優越的」是 be superior to... 或 be more superior than...?
Unit 48  「今天早上」是 today morning、this morning 還是 tomorrow morning? 
Unit 49  「find 的用法」是 find it to necessary 或 find that it is necessary to V? 
Unit 50  「別對他期望太高」是 Don’t expect him too much.或 Don’t expect too much of him.?
Unit 51  「寫日記」是 keep a diary 或 write a diary?
Unit 52  「感激」是 I would appreciate you if... 或 I would appreciate it if...?
Unit 53  「安排某人從事某事」是 arrange 人 to V 或 arrange for 人 to V?
Unit 54  「要用功,那麼……」是 Study hard, you will... 或 Study hard, and you will...? 
Unit 55  「經過了 3 年」是 Three years have past. 或 Three years have passed.?
Unit 56  「回家」是 go home 或 go to home?
Unit 57  「依我之見」是 according to me 或 according to my opinion?
Unit 58  「照例」是 as usual 或 as usually?
Unit 59  「夜幕低垂時」是 when night falls 或 when the night falls?
Unit 60  「為何念大學」的簡化句是 why go to college 或 why to go to college?
Unit 61  「加入」是 join 人 in V-ing 或 join in 人 to V?
Unit 62  「我跟他是朋友」是 I am a friend with him. 或 I am friends with him.?
Unit 63  「討論」是 discuss it 或 discuss about it? 
Unit 64  「在收音機廣播裡」是 on the radio 或 in the radio? 
Unit 65   事情「發生」要用 happen 或 be happened?
Unit 66  「挑剔」是 be particular about... 或 be particular with...?
Unit 67  「全新的車」是 a brand new car 或 a new brand car?
Unit 68  「有鑑於」是 given that... 或 giving that...?
Chapter 2 字詞辨異
Unit 69   plenty 及 plentiful 怎麼用?
Unit 70   able 及 capable 怎麼用? 
Unit 71   no such a man 或 no such man 怎麼用?
Unit 72   weight 及 weigh 怎麼用? 
Unit 73   good 及 well 怎麼用? 
Unit 74   feel good 及 feel well 怎麼用?
Unit 75   after 及 afterwards 怎麼用?
Unit 76   at the beginning 及 in the beginning 怎麼用? 
Unit 77   at the end 及 in the end 怎麼用? 
Unit 78   much money 及 a lot of money 怎麼用?
Unit 79   like 及 alike 怎麼用?
Unit 80   go on V-ing 及 go on to V 怎麼用? 
Unit 81   Do you mind if... 及 Would you mind if...? 
Unit 82   remember 及 memorize 怎麼用?
Unit 83   man 及 a man 怎麼用?
Unit 84   apart from 及 aside from 怎麼用? 
Unit 85   to not V 及 not to V 怎麼用?
Unit 86   being not 或 not being、having not 或 not having 怎麼用?
Unit 87   cannot 及 can not 怎麼用? 
Unit 88   by far 及 so far 怎麼用?
Unit 89   not easy 及 uneasy 怎麼用? 
Unit 90   a land 及 a piece of land 怎麼用?
Unit 91   insist on 及 persist in 怎麼用?
Unit 92   on the street 及 in the street 怎麼用? 
Unit 93   weather 及 climate 怎麼用? 
Unit 94   failed 及 failing 怎麼用? 
Unit 95   rob 及 deprive 怎麼用?
Unit 96   as day breaks 及 as night falls 怎麼用?
Unit 97   lest 及 for fear that 怎麼用? 
Unit 98   accept 及 receive 怎麼用? 
Unit 99   compliment 及 complement 怎麼用?
Unit 100  principle 及 principal 怎麼用? 
Unit 101  fun 及 funny 怎麼用? 
Unit 102  champion 及 championship 怎麼用? 
Unit 103 「火車離站」是 The train leaves 或 will leave at 2:30 p.m.? 
Unit 104 「持續地」是 continually 或 continuously?
Unit 105 「損害」是 damage 或 damages?
Unit 106  be tired of... 或 be tired from... 怎麼用? 
Unit 107  different 及 indifferent 怎麼用? 
Unit 108  uninterested 及 disinterested 怎麼用? 
Unit 109  at all times 及 all the time 怎麼用? 
Unit 110  none is 及 none are 怎麼用?
Unit 111  Neither of us is... 及 Neither of us are... 怎麼用? 
Unit 112  Either you or he is... 及 Either you or he are... 怎麼用? 
Unit 113  farther 及 further 怎麼用? 
Unit 114  then 及 and then 怎麼用? 
Unit 115  awful 及 awesome 怎麼用?
Unit 116  intense 及 intensive 怎麼用? 
Unit 117  popular 及 prevalent 怎麼用? 
Unit 118  ashamed 及 shameful 怎麼用?
Unit 119  considerable 及 considerate 怎麼用? 
Unit 120  not to mention... 及 let alone... 怎麼用?
Unit 121  prefer to V 及 prefer V-ing 怎麼用? 
Unit 122  on one’s own 及 of one’s own 怎麼用? .
Unit 123  whereas 或 while 怎麼用? 
Unit 124 「下落」是 whereabouts 或 whereabout? 
Unit 125  for days 及 hours on end 怎麼用?
Unit 126  learn 事物 及 learn about 事物 怎麼用?
Unit 127  lovely 及 lovable 怎麼用?
Unit 128  far better 及 by far the best 怎麼用?
Unit 129 「我突然想起」是 I suddenly thought that... 或 It occurred to me that...?
Unit 130  the same... as... 及 the same... that... 怎麼用?
Unit 131  give up on 人 及 give 人 up 怎麼用?
Unit 132  avenge 及 revenge 怎麼用?
Unit 133  cheat 人 及 cheat on 人 怎麼用?
Unit 134  interfere with 及 interfere in 怎麼用? 
Unit 135  deal with 及 deal in 怎麼用?
Unit 136  a kind of 及 kind of 怎麼用? 
Unit 137  drunk 及 drunken 怎麼用? 
Unit 138  plan to V 及 plan on V-ing 怎麼用? 
Unit 139  cut down on 及 cut down 怎麼用?
Unit 140 「一件行李」是 a luggage 或 a piece of luggage? 
Unit 141 「鍾愛高雄」是“We care Kaohsiung.”或“We care for Kaohsiung.”?
Unit 142 「想要某人去做某事」是 want 人 + V 或 want 人 + to V? 
Chapter 3 常見多種易混淆用字
Unit 143  a number of、the number of、an amount of、the amount of 怎麼用?
Unit 144  due to、because of、as a result of、owing to、on account of 的用法 
Unit 145  worth、worthy、worthwhile 怎麼用?
Unit 146  assure、ensure、insure 怎麼用? 
Unit 147  live、lively、alive、living 怎麼用? 
Unit 148  spend、cost、take 怎麼用?
Unit 149  not... anymore、not... any longer、no more、no longer 怎麼用? 
Unit 150 「不再」是 not any more + 名詞 或 not anymore + 名詞? 
Unit 151 「任何人」是 anyone 或 any one?
Unit 152  cannot but、cannot help but、cannot help + V-ing 怎麼用?
Unit 153  probable、likely、possible 怎麼用? 
Unit 154  peek、peep、peak、pique 怎麼用? 
Unit 155  reply、answer、respond 怎麼用? 
Unit 156  in a hurry、in a rush、in haste 怎麼用? 
Unit 157  rubbish、garbage、trash、junk 怎麼用? 
Unit 158  dislike、unlike、like 怎麼用?
Unit 159  lately、recently、in the near future 怎麼用? 
Unit 160  lightning、lightening、lighting 怎麼用?
Unit 161 「修理某物」是 need to be repaired、need being repaired 還是 need repairing? 
Unit 162  crossroad、crossroads、intersection 怎麼用? 
Unit 163  even though、although、though 怎麼用?
Unit 164  scenery、scene、view、landscape 怎麼用?
Unit 165  one... the other...、one... another... the other... 怎麼用?
Unit 166  one... another...、some... others...、數字... the others... 怎麼用?
Unit 167  last week、this week、next week 怎麼用? 
Unit 168  on the way、in the way、by the way 怎麼用? 
Unit 169  pick、pick up、pick out、pick on 怎麼用?
Unit 170  record 的用法 
Unit 171  as well 的用法 
Unit 172  rather than 的用法 
Unit 173  would rather 的用法 
Unit 174  other than 的用法 
Unit 175  none other than 的用法 
Unit 176  do nothing but 的用法 
Chapter 4 常見卻易用錯的單字 / 片語 / 句型
Unit 177  do without 的用法 
Unit 178  It is time that... 的用法 
Unit 179  can’t... enough 的用法
Unit 180  for the past few years 的用法 
Unit 181  經常與 “on” 搭配的名詞怎麼用? 
Unit 182  如何連接兩個句子?
Unit 183  如何使用現在完成式 the present perfect tense(have / has + 過去分詞)?
Unit 184  如何使用過去完成式 the past perfect tense(had + 過去分詞)?
Unit 185  如何使用比較級句構 comparative structures? 
Unit 186  如何使用最高級的句構 superlatives? 
Unit 187  he who、one who、those who、people who 怎麼用? 
Unit 188  whoever、whomever 怎麼用?
Chapter 5 生活用語類
Unit 189 「幸會」是 Nice to meet you. 或 Nice meeting you.? 
Unit 190 「當老師不容易」是 As a teacher is not easy. 或 Being a teacher is not easy.?
Unit 191 「我的職業是教學」是 My job is a teacher. 或 My job is teaching.? 
Unit 192  job、work、career 怎麼用?
Unit 193 「電話是打來找你的」是 It’s your telephone. 或 It’s your phone call.? 
Unit 194 「手機沒電了」是 My cell phone has no electricity.或 My cell phone ran out of battery.? 
Unit 195 「你方便……嗎」是 Are you convenient to V? 或 Is it convenient for you to V?
Unit 196 「今天星期幾」是 What day is today? 或 What date is today? 
Unit 197 「你是在跟我開玩笑嗎」是 Are you kidding me? 還是 Are you joking me?
Unit 198 「不知道」是 have no idea 或 have no ideas?
Unit 199 “do you think” 當插入語要怎麼用? 
Unit 200 「視若無睹」是 turn a blind eye to 或 turn one’s blind eyes to?
Unit 201 「充耳不聞」是 turn a deaf ear to 或 turn one’s deaf ears to?
Unit 202 “how to + V”要怎麼用?
Unit 203 「一小時之後」是 in an hour 或 after an hour? 
Unit 204 「身上沒帶錢」是 have no money with me 或 have no money on me?



許○理 / 彰化縣
35-44 | 2023-09-12



  • 貨號:BA22
  • ISBN:9786267225363
  • 作者:賴世雄
  • 出版商:常春藤
  • 出版日期:2023/07/31
  • 出版地:台灣
  • 品牌:常春藤
  • 語言:中英雙語
  • 裝訂:膠裝


18開(23 x 17 x 0.9)/240頁


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