


實力測驗:複習範圍 2/1 ~ 2/25

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實力測驗:複習範圍 2/1 ~ 2/25
延伸閱讀 >> 5種塞車的英文說法一次搞懂。交通堵塞千萬別說 traffic was very crowded.


1. This year’s profits will _____ exceed last year’s since our new product has been a huge success. (2/1)

(A) merely (B) gently (C) definitely (D) traditionally

2. According to the locals, this observation platform is the best location to _____ the full beauty of the city. (2/2)

(A) take in (B) take over (C) take up (D) take away

3. After protecting villagers from the enemy’s attacks, the soldier became a _____ hero in that village. (2/4)

(A) countless (B) delicate (C) revered (D) profitable

4. We tried to _____ Benny to go camping with us, but he said he would rather stay at home and relax. (2/7)

(A) confirm (B) represent (C) transfer (D) persuade

5. The mayor caused _____ when the news reported that he bought a car with funds for the homeless. (2/8)

(A) vitality (B) controversy (C) standard (D) transaction

6. Mary didn’t want to undergo surgery, so she asked her doctor if there was an _____ to treat her illness. (2/9)

(A) obstacle (B) impression (C) alternative (D) emphasis

7. Residents in this community are willing to _____ their privacy for safety, so the management installed more

surveillance cameras in the public areas. (2/11)

(A) forego (B) motivate (C) resemble (D) summarize

8. The typhoon caused _____ damage to the country. The losses were estimated at two million dollars. (2/14)

(A) plentiful (B) fragile (C) considerable (D) diligent

9. Ed _____ goes to that restaurant because he loves their food and the waitresses are very friendly. (2/16)

(A) harshly (B) scarcely (C) vaguely (D) frequently

10. People are _____ hunting or fishing in this forest, and those who do will risk heavy fines. (2/18)

(A) trusted with (B) prohibited from (C) convinced of (D) delighted about

11. There are _____ 11,880 known species of ants in the world, many of which share common characteristics.


(A) relatively (B) currently (C) endlessly (D) intensively

12. Dolphins are thought to be _____ animals because of their ability to learn quickly. (2/22)

(A) suspicious (B) executive (C) concise (D) intelligent

13. Imagine a piece of chocolate on the center of your tongue. The rich creamy flavor _____ in the warmth of your mouth. (2/23)

(A) flocks (B) sticks (C) competes (D) melts

14. There are many forms of depression. Instead of avoiding it, we should face it and _____ ways to deal with it. (2/24)

(A) refer to (B) draw in (C) come up with (D) watch out for

15. Good speakers are masters at using _____ occasionally to emphasize their main points. (2/25)

(A) nutshells (B) gestures (C) habitats (D) contributions


答案:1.C 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.B 11.B 12.D 13.D 14.C 15.B

延伸閱讀 >> 【英文整聊室】#03 「儘管、雖然」的用法



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