
長睫大眼小妖精:犬羚 The Dik-Dik: Fascinating Facts about Africa’s Tiny, Hoofed Treasures【本篇為全程英文講解】

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長睫大眼小妖精:犬羚 The Dik-Dik: Fascinating Facts about Africa’s Tiny, Hoofed Treasures
如果犬羚察覺到 危險,牠會以之字形的方式奔跑
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文章主講 Karen, Chris

The dik-dik is a type of antelope native to Southern and Eastern Africa. However, dikdiks are no ordinary antelopes. Unlike their larger cousins, some of which stand at over 1.5 meters tall, dik-diks are known for their tiny size; a fully grown dik-dik will normally reach no more than 16 inches in height . Of course, their size makes them an easy target for predators , including big cats, birds of prey , and, sadly, humans. Nevertheless, amazingly , these tiny hoofed creatures can reach running speeds of almost 30 mph, which means they do have some protection against larger animals.

The first thing about dik-diks that may pique your curiosity is their unusual name. The word “dik-dik” actually comes from a sound that these animals make. If a dik-dik senses danger, it will run around in a zigzag pattern and make a “dik-dik” sound to alert other animals nearby that trouble may be on the way .

Next is the dik-dik’s distinctive appearance. Most notably , they have large eyes and long eyelashes. In addition, below each eye is a large black spot. It is from here that the dik-dik secretes sticky black tears, which it uses to mark its territory. Dik-diks also mark their territory through a so-called defecation ceremony. First, the female of a pair marks an area by excreting her dung and urine. Then, the male, after spreading the female’s dung over the ground with his foot, excretes his own dung and urine on top of hers. A dik-dik’s excretions are particularly effective in marking an area because these creatures do not drink. Therefore, the waste they produce is especially dry and concentrated .

So there you have it . If you ever visit Africa, be on the lookout for these tiny and adorable creatures scurrying around in thick grass.

1. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

(A) Dik-diks do not cry tears.

(B) Dik-diks live in grassy areas.

(C) Dik-diks make a distinctive sound.

(D) Dik-diks are indigenous to the African continent.

2. What can be inferred from the passage?

(A) The dik-dik is the world’s smallest hoofed animal.

(B) Dik-diks feed on the waste of other animals.

(C) Dik-diks commonly go around in pairs.

(D) The dik-dik has a strong sense of smell.

3. Where is this passage most likely to appear?

(A) In a medical journal.

(B) In a blog post about big cats.

(C) In a nature magazine.

(D) In an editorial about the meat industry.

4. Tiffany needs to finish her homework on dikdiks. Which of the following notes is NOT true?

(A) Sound “dik-dik”
(B) Height at least 1.5 meters
(C) Features big eyes and long eyelashes
(D) Marking their territory with tears, dung, or urine


★ 中文翻譯僅供參考,請勿逐字逐句對照

犬羚是非洲南部和東部的一種本土羚羊。但犬羚不是普通的羚羊。犬羚不像體型較大的同類(有些站起來超過 1.5 公尺高),而是以體型小巧聞名;完全長成的犬羚通常不會超過十六英寸(編按:約四十公分)高。想當然爾,犬羚的體型讓牠們成為掠食者( 包括大型貓科動物、猛禽,以及令人遺憾地,人類)輕鬆獵捕的目標。然而令人驚訝的是,這些小型有蹄類動物的奔跑速度幾乎可以達到每小時三十英里(編按:約四十八公里),這意味著牠們確實有些能保護自己避開大型動物的能力。

犬羚可能會激起你好奇心的第一件事是牠們獨特的名字。「 dik-dik 」一詞實際上來自這些動物發出的聲音。如果犬羚察覺到危險,牠會以之字形的方式奔跑,並發出「 dik-dik 」的聲音以警告附近的其他犬羚麻煩可能要來了。



1. 以下哪一項敘述不正確?

(A) 犬羚不會流淚。

(B) 犬羚生活在草地上。

(C) 犬羚會發出獨特的聲音。

(D) 犬羚原生於非洲大陸。

2. 從本文可以推斷出什麼?

(A) 犬羚是世界上最小的有蹄類動物。

(B) 犬羚以其他動物的糞便為食。

(C) 犬羚通常成對出現。

(D) 犬羚具有靈敏的嗅覺。

3. 本文最有可能在哪裡出現?

(A) 醫學期刊。

(B) 有關大貓的部落格貼文。

(C) 大自然雜誌。

(D) 關於肉品產業的社論。

4. 蒂芬妮需要完成關於犬羚的作業。下列哪一項筆記不正確?

(A) 叫聲 「dik-dik」
(B) 身高 至少 1.5 公尺
(C) 特徵 大眼睛、長睫毛
(D) 標記領土 用眼淚、糞便或尿液


Ans: 1. A 2. C 3. C 4. B

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Mark Darvill
Mark Darvill
Don’t let the noise of other people’s opinions drown your inner voice.