
新聞集錦:1. 猴子用腦打電動! Neuralink 公布腦機介面技術進展 2. 超勵志!罕病少年完成高中學業並榮獲獎章

今年四月,伊隆.馬斯克創立的 Neuralink 公司發布了一段猴子用意識打電動的影片。
#動物 #數位·科技·科學
>> 新聞集錦:1. 醫界創舉 英國小提琴家開顱手術中演奏 2.極地雪藻異常增生 南極加速融雪



文章主講 Bruce, Angela, Wesley

Neuralink Video Demonstrates Neural Interface Technology

In April, Neuralink, a company founded by Elon Musk, released a video of a monkey playing a computer game with its mind. Neuralink works with neural interface technology. However, as impressive as the video may seem, the monkey featured is not the first primate to control a computer with its mind. In 2002, researchers demonstrated that a monkey could use its brain to move the cursor on a computer screen. The technology is even older; a scientist in the 1960s was able to get a monkey to move a needle on a device that was connected to the monkey’s brain. Scientists hope that research on brain interface technology will eventually be able to help treat people with neurological illnesses.

超勵志!罕病少年完成高中學業並榮獲獎章 Student Receives Award for Completing Education 圖片轉引自:https://tinyurl.com/yz4hn3p2

Student Receives Award for Completing Education

A high school student, Loic Bydal, who completed his primary and secondary education from a hospital room was recently awarded Quebec’s Medal of the National Assembly. Bydal suffers from Morquio syndrome, which is a genetic condition that affects the bones, spine, and organs due to a lack of enzymes in the body that break down sugar chains. The illness impacted Bydal’s growth and in 2012, he lost the use of his legs and since then has had to rely on a ventilator to help him breathe. Despite the challenges, Bydal managed to complete his schooling from his hospital room and plans to further study computer science at a technical college.

>> 小蛤蜊 ── 檢測波蘭水質的大功臣 Documentary Highlights Hard- Working Clams

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