
10月詞彙測驗 Vocabulary Test

#單字 #108新課綱 #升學考試 #學測
>> 5種塞車的英文說法一次搞懂。交通堵塞千萬別說 traffic was very crowded.


文章主講 Bruce, Angela, Wesley

★ 詞彙級數參考108課綱最新字表


  1. I highly recommend that you hike this mountain. Although it is a _____ and tough climb to the top, the spectacular scenery is worth it.
    (A) tender (B) steep (C) reliable (D) loose

  2. Emma and her husband have divorced; next month the court will declare who the legal _____ of their son will be.
    (A) guardian (B) colleague (C) burglar (D) founder

  3. My brother is now in his room preparing for the final exams, so we should talk at a low volume so as not to _____ him.
    (A) disturb (B) imitate (C) neglect (D) oppose

  4. Sending children to daycare centers is gradually becoming the _____ for young couples in modern society because most of them have to work full time.
    (A) toll (B) howl (C) norm (D) bolt

  5. The waiter was so _____ that he accidentally spilled a glass of juice on the customer’s white dress, which made her flip out.
    (A) logical (B) diligent (C) skillful (D) clumsy

  6. Nowadays, it is _____ impossible to find a young person on the street who does not have a cellphone.
    (A) automatically (B) exclusively (C) virtually (D) compatibly

  7. The bank teller’s face was pale and her voice _____ as she told the police about the robbery that had happened this morning.
    (A) hummed (B) soared (C) thrived (D) quivered

  8. The mayor expressed genuine _____ for the victims of the devastating tragedy and promised that their family members would be taken care of.
    (A) sympathy (B) discouragement (C) gratitude (D) congratulation

  9. I think the program should be taken off the air because it contains comments that are deeply _____ to minority groups.
    (A) shameful (B) offensive (C) miserable (D) ignorant

  10. In order to complete the application process, you have to _____ all your documents and a graduation certificate to the university by the end of this month.
    (A) oversee (B) notify (C) inherit (D) submit


Ans: 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. C 7. D 8. A 9. B 10. D

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