[篇章結構] [電子報精選文章]
本文主講 Wesley
As a human, you may have experienced a phenomenon commonly known as “dessert stomach.” You come to the end of a large meal, feeling like you couldn’t possibly eat another morsel of food. Then dessert is offered, and your appetite suddenly reappears. __1__ What you may not know is that dessert stomach can also be referred to as “sensory-specific satiety,” or SSS.
身為人類,你可能曾體驗過一般稱為「甜點胃」的現象。你吃完一頓大餐,覺得自己連一口食物都吃不下了。接著甜點送上來,你的胃口突然又出現。彷彿你的胃早就專門為它預留了一小角。你可能不知道,甜點胃還可以被稱為「特定感覺的飽足感」(或稱為 SSS)。
SSS refers to the idea that the feeling of fullness after a large meal does not mean that your body is completely full. __2__ This is why when another food with a different flavor profile, such as a dessert, is presented , you suddenly feel able to fit more food into your body. In other words, the promise of a different type of food and your body’s desire to consume it can prevent your brain from telling your body that it is truly full.
SSS 指的是一種概念,就是吃完大餐的飽足感並不表示你的身體已經完全吃飽。其實,你的身體只是對你剛才吃的食物味道感到膩了(也就是覺得厭煩)。這就是為什麼當另一種風味特色不同的食物(比如甜點)呈上來時,你會突然覺得你能把更多的食物裝進肚子。換句話說,如果你知道你將有另一種東西可吃,再加上你的身體想吃掉它的慾望,這會阻止你的大腦告訴你的身體說它真的飽了。
Why humans experience SSS could be related to evolution . __3__ This ability was likely useful in previous times when food was not readily available. At risk of food scarcity , a person could cram their body with whatever food was at hand to create an energy store in case supplies ran low . The problem is that for many people today, food scarcity is not a present danger. __4__
人類會體驗到 SSS 的原因可能與演化有關。SSS 讓我們知道,人的身體有辦法吃過頭。這種能力在從前食物不易取得的時候可能很有用。在糧食短缺的風險下,人會拿手邊可取得的任何食物來塞滿肚子,好儲存能量以防食物供應不足。問題是,對於現今的許多人來說,糧食短缺的危險並不存在。因此,SSS 很容易導致人暴飲暴食以及胖得不健康。
So, the next time you find yourself eyeing a delicious cake or doughnut over your already bulging stomach, remember that you’ve probably already eaten your fill , regardless of how much your body seems to be screaming, “Eat it!”
(A) Therefore, SSS can easily result in people overeating and experiencing unhealthy weight gain.
(B) What SSS teaches us is that the human body is capable of consuming food to excess .
(C) Instead, your body is sated —bored— with the flavor of whatever you were just eating.
(D) It would appear as if a corner of your stomach has been specifically set aside for it.
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Ans: 1. D 2. C 3. B 4. A
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