
★ 人體實測!超級加工食品究竟會對我們造成什麼影響 Are Ultra-Processed Foods Making Us Fat? New BBC Documentary Investigates

光是在英國,就有大約 21% 的兒童在小學畢業前被認為過胖
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人體實測!超級加工食品究竟會對我們造成什麼影響 Are Ultra-Processed Foods Making Us Fat? New BBC Documentary Investigates
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本文主講 Bruce, Angela, Wesley

As the available number and variety of Ultra-Processed Foods (UPF) have increased, so have our waistlines. Obesity rates in adults have skyrocketed over the last 50 years, and it has become pervasive in modern society. More shockingly , it has become rampant in children. In the UK alone, about 21% of children are considered obese by the time they finish elementary school.

當超級加工食品(UPF)可取得的數量和種類增加的同時,我們的腰圍也增加了。在過去的五十年中,成人肥胖率遽增,肥胖已遍布於現代社會。更驚人的是,此現象在兒童之中也變得猖獗。光是在英國,就有大約 21% 的兒童在小學畢業前被認為過胖。

obesity [ oˈbisətɪ ] n. 肥胖
pervasive [ pɚˈvesɪv ] a. 遍布的,到處存在的
shockingly [ ˈʃɑkɪŋlɪ ] adv. 驚人地,令人難以置信地
rampant[ ˈræmpənt ] a. 猖獗的,氾濫的,失控的
obese [ oˈbis ] a. 肥胖的

A new joint effort by the BBC and researchers at the University College of London (UCL) plans to address this question in their new documentary. Dr. Chris van Tulleken, from UCL’s Division of Infection and Immunity, will present the documentary as he subjects himself to a month-long UPF diet. The experiment was overseen by Professor Rachel Batterham, head of the UCL Centre for Obesity Research.

BBC 和倫敦大學學院(UCL)聯手推出了一個新的企畫,打算要在他們的新紀錄片中探討這個問題。UCL 感染與免疫學部的克里斯.范.圖勒肯醫師將主持這部紀錄片,他在片中讓自己進行一個月的超級加工食品飲食。這個實驗由 UCL 肥胖研究中心的負責人瑞秋.巴特漢教授監督。

infection [ ɪnˈfɛkʃən ] n. 感染
oversee [ ˌovɚˈsi ] vt. 監督

人體實測!超級加工食品究竟會對我們造成什麼影響 Are Ultra-Processed Foods Making Us Fat? New BBC Documentary Investigates

The goal was to determine if UPFs are what’s causing obesity in children, and if they are addictive . No current clinical studies on this subject matter exist, so the effects of UPFs on children’s bodies are unknown. Dr.van Tulleken altered his diet to consist of 80% UPF for over four weeks, and had his health monitored by Professor Batterham. An MRI was taken of Dr. van Tulleken’s brain at the beginning of the experiment and then again at the end in order to determine any neurological changes.

此實驗的目的是要確定 UPF 是否為導致孩童肥胖的因素,以及它們是否具有成癮性。目前尚無針對這個主題的臨床研究存在,所以 UPF 對孩童身體的影響依然未知。范.圖勒肯醫師在持續超過四週的時間裡改變了他的飲食,將內容調整為含有 80% 的超級加工食品,並請巴特漢教授監測他的健康狀況。在實驗開始及結束時,范.圖勒肯醫師各照了一次大腦核磁共振掃描,以確定神經系統是否有產生任何變化。

addictive [ əˈdɪktɪv ] a. 使人成癮的
clinical [ ˈklɪnɪkl̩ ] a. 臨床的
alter [ ˈɔltɚ ] vt. 改變
monitor [ ˈmɑnətɚ ] vt. 監測,監督

The results at the month’s end were clear. The UPF diet had changed the hormones made in Dr. van Tulleken’s stomach, making him feel hungrier and causing him to gain weight. It also built new connections in his brain, likely increasing his cravings and desire for more UPF items.


craving [ ˈkrevɪŋ ] n.(強烈的)渴望


1. In which of the following publications would you expect to find the experiment’s results?

(A) Cooks Illustrated

(B) Journal of Medical Sciences

(C) Love and Lifestyle Magazine

(D) Advances in Ecological Research

1. 你可以預期在下列哪一本刊物中找到本文的實驗結果?
(A) 《圖解料理》。
(B) 《醫療科學期刊》。
(C) 《愛與生活風格雜誌》。
(D) 《生態學研究進展》。

2. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

(A) There was no previous research data on UPFs and children.

(B) The experiment was undertaken without any precautions .

(C) Children make up the majority of the UK’s obese population.

(D) Dr. van Tulleken has been eating a UPF diet for most of his life.

2. 根據本文,下列何項敘述正確?
(A) 先前沒有針對超級加工食品與孩童的研究資料。
(B) 該實驗在沒有任何預防措施的情況下進行。
(C) 孩童占了英國肥胖人口的多數。
(D) 范.圖勒肯醫師大半輩子都在吃超級加工食品飲食。

undertake [ ˌʌndɚˈtek ] vt. 著手做;承擔
precaution [ prɪˈkɔʃən ] n. 預防措施

3. What did the results of Dr. van Tulleken’s experiment show?

(A) No connection to obesity was found at the end of it.

(B) It was discovered that some UPFs are more addictive.

(C) The UPFs effected major changes in the doctor’s body.

(D) Ultra-Processed Foods are actually very nutritious and healthy.

3. 范.圖勒肯醫師的實驗結果顯示了什麼?
(A) 最後沒有發現任何與肥胖的連結。
(B) 發現了某些超級加工食品更具成癮性。
(C) 超級加工食品讓該醫師的身體產生了重大變化。
(D) 超級加工食品事實上非常營養且健康。

effect [ ɪˈfɛkt ] vt. 引起,使發生(正式用法)
nutritious [ njuˈtrɪʃəs ] a. 有營養的,營養價值高的



  1. soar  vi. 猛升,驟升
  2. shoot up  迅速竄升

另外,表示「提高,升高,增加」意思的字詞,除了increase、rise 及 grow 之外,還有幾個常見的用法:

  1. expand  vi. & vt.(使)擴大/增加
  2. escalate  vi. & vt.( 使)擴大/逐步上升;( 使不好的情形)升級/惡化
  3. go up  上升,提高,增加


Ans: 1. B 2. A 3. C

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