
減塑新幫手 TOMbag: 可清洗環保垃圾袋

Reducing Single-Use Plastics with the TOMbag
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減塑新幫手 TOMbag: 可清洗環保垃圾袋 Reducing Single-Use Plastics with the TOMbag
近來人人都在盡一己之力減少使用一次性塑膠產品, 因為這種東西會汙染環境。
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        People are doing their part these days to cut down on single-use plastics since they pollute the environment. Conscious shoppers take their own bags and use them to carry their purchases. Also, some countries around the world are banning singleuse plastics. But one plastic item that people use and throw out every day is still around—the single-use garbage bag.

        In order to address this issue, environmentally friendly alternatives, including biodegradable and compostable bags, have been developed in recent years. However, in order for them to break down, both bags require a high-pressure and high-heat environment that landfills lack. Further, compostable bags in landfills release methane—another greenhouse gas that is much stronger than CO2. Recently, some environmentalists have proposed a new way to reduce plastic waste harming the environment: the TOMbag.

        Two parents, Sasha and Johnathan Pestano, wanted to make sure they did all they could to help their daughter grow up in an environmentally-conscious home. The couple created TOMbag, a reusable bag made from recycled plastic that is an alternative to singleuse garbage bags. TOMbag is sturdy and washable so that a household can completely eliminate its use of disposable garbage bags.

        For about NT$1,000 and NT$1,500, depending on the size, people can buy a single bag for storing and transporting garbage.While this is a pretty high cost, people can use TOMbags for years, so the initial investment is reasonable. What’s more, when the bag reaches the end of its life, it can be returned to the company and be recycled. Customers will feel good knowing they are not adding to the plastic problem at all.

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