
不只是藝術!摺紙啟發新科技(下) High-Tech Uses for the Ancient Art of Paper Folding

High-Tech Uses for the Ancient Art of Paper Folding
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不只是藝術!摺紙啟發新科技 High-Tech Uses for the Ancient Art of Paper Folding
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  Origami has provided inspiration for technology for use in space and deep in the ocean, but its influence does not stop there. Other ways origami has proven useful include helping to protect police officers from harm and assisting doctors in medical procedures.

Origami Design Stops Bullets

  Using Kevlar, the material that bulletproof vests are made from, engineers at Brigham Young University created a shield that can protect up to three officers at the same time. Through the use of origami techniques, the shield can be quickly unfolded so that it stands up on its own. Members of a police squad can crouch behind it for protection. When tests on it were done, not even one of the most powerful handguns in the world—the .44 magnum—could penetrate the shield or knock it over. Despite opening up to cover an area much larger than traditional shields, the special design is lighter and folds into a compact shape.

Origami Robot Works inside the Body

  While some devices inspired by origami are huge, others are tiny. Researchers from the US, the UK, and Japan have designed a robot small enough to fit into a pill. After being swallowed, the robot unfolds and can be used to perform medical procedures with magnets. This can include removing objects—a small battery that a child has swallowed, for example. Or, it may be able to help heal a wound inside the body.

  The high-tech uses of the traditional art of origami are truly incredible. They demonstrate how humans can borrow techniques from the past to make an impact on the modern world.


1.    In which article are readers most likely to come across this passage?
(A)  The Science behind Paper Production
(B)  Top 10 Most Complex Origami Models
(C)  Japanese Art: Origins and Styles
(D)  New Technology Inspired by Ancient Ideas


2.    Which of the following statements is true?
(A)  Brian Trease’s device can unfold in just a few seconds.
(B)  A patient has been treated with the help of a paper robot.
(C)  The fish grabber can be used more than 10 kilometers deep in the ocean.
(D)  Researchers are working on creating bulletproof vests using origami concepts.


3.    According to the passage, what is the difference between traditional shields and the origami-style ones?
(A)  The traditional ones are thinner and shorter.
(B)  The traditional ones are stronger and heavier.
(C)  The origami-style ones weigh less and expand to a larger size.
(D)  The origami-style ones use energy from magnets to stop bullets.


4.    Whose statement does NOT refer to any of the devices mentioned in the passage?


Thanks to this invention, I can catch and then study a marine creature without hurting it.


These solar panels are made from eco-friendly materials. They are more efficient than traditional ones.


I accidentally got a fishbone stuck in my throat last week. Fortunately, the doctor used this device to take it out.


I’m thinking about buying a new shield that is capable of protecting three officers from bullets at once.



答案:   1.    D    2.    C    3.    C    4.    B

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Words in Use
vt. & vi. & n. 打,撞擊
vi. & n. 敲
vt. & vi. 保護,防禦
n. 步驟,手續 (與介詞 for 並用)
vt. & vi. 吞嚥
n. 吞嚥;一次吞食之物;燕子
vt. 相信
vi. (隨時間或故事的)展開
vt. & vi. 攤開,打開
n. 影響,衝擊(常與介詞 on 並用)
vt. 對……產生影響
vi. 示威
vt. 示範
n. 靈感;鼓舞人心的人(或事物)
vt. 穿透
vt. 壓縮,擠壓
a. 小巧的 ; 密實的
n. 小隊,小組
n. (美國)海軍陸戰隊士兵
adj. 海洋的
vt. & vi. 幫助
n. 磁鐵
vt. 保護
n. 盾牌
vi. 蹲伏
n. 麥格農(一種火力強大的手槍)
Practical Phrases
be made from

Everybody knows that paper is made from wood.

This pasta is made from fresh egg yolks, a special flour, and spinach juice.

protect sb/sth from N/V-ing
 保護 某人免受……的傷害

Albert tried to protect his family from the gangsters.

up to...

The stadium is very large and can hold up to 60,000 people.

knock... over / knock over...

The waiter accidentally knocked over a glass of water, and it spilled all over the table.

fit into

My bedroom is very small, so I don't think this wardrobe will fit into it.

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Brian Foden
Brian Foden
Every failure is a step to success.