
✶世界海洋日: 用行動守護我們的海洋 Celebrating the Oceans One Day at a Time

Celebrating the Oceans One Day at a Time
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世界海洋日: 用行動守護我們的海洋 Celebrating the Oceans One Day at a Time
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        As it has been for over three decades, World Oceans Day will be celebrated on June 8 this year. This special day aims to __1__ how important our oceans are and their crucial role in keeping our planet healthy and sustainable. Although it was first proposed by the government of Canada in 1992, it was not officially recognized by the United Nations General Assembly until 2008. This recognition significantly boosted the profile of World Oceans Day, and each year a growing number of nations and organizations __2__ in a wide range of conservation activities.

        World Oceans Day has been calling for the 30x30 ocean __3__, which is an effort to protect at least 30% of the planet’s land, water, and oceans by the year 2030. This would mark a significant increase in protected areas. The amount of protected land worldwide currently stands at just 16.64%, __4__ for the oceans, it is a mere 7.74%. The 30x30 goal is part of a wider commitment agreed upon at the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP 15) in December 2022.

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        Regardless of the many types of events and activities held on World Oceans Day each year, beach cleanups are the most common. A huge amount of plastic waste __5__ in the oceans annually, much of which is washed up on beaches and shorelines all over the planet. Why not get together with some friends and organize a beach cleanup to help on this special day?


1. (A) cast doubt on (B) pass judgment on (C) raise awareness of (D) take advantage of

2. (A) involve (B) involving (C) have involved (D) become involved

3. (A) campaign (B) discipline (C) motivation (D) harmony

4. (A) as (B) while (C) despite (D) however

5. (A) ends up (B) sets off (C) passes by (D) breaks out


答案: 1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.A


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        As it has been for over three decades, World Oceans Day will be celebrated on June 8 this year. This special day aims to raise awareness of how important our oceans are and their crucial role in keeping our planet healthy and sustainable. Although it was first proposed by the government of Canada in 1992, it was not officially recognized by the United Nations General Assembly until 2008. This recognition significantly boosted the profile of World Oceans Day, and each year a growing number of nations and organizations become involved in a wide range of conservation activities.

        World Oceans Day has been calling for the 30x30 ocean campaign, which is an effort to protect at least 30% of the planet’s land, water, and oceans by the year 2030. This would mark a significant increase in protected areas. The amount of protected land worldwide currently stands at just 16.64%, while for the oceans, it is a mere 7.74%. The 30x30 goal is part of a wider commitment agreed upon at the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP 15) in December 2022.

        Regardless of the many types of events and activities held on World Oceans Day each year, beach cleanups are the most common. A huge amount of plastic waste ends up in the oceans annually, much of which is washed up on beaches and shorelines all over the planet. Why not get together with some friends and organize a beach cleanup to help on this special day?


Words in Use
a. 決定性的,重要的
vt. 提議,建議
vi. 求婚
vt. 認出;承認,認可
n. 認出;承認,認可
vt. 增加,提升
n. 促進,推動
n. 側面像
n. & vt. 簡介
n. ( 動植物) 保護 ; (自然資源) 保存 (皆不可數)
adv. 目前,現今
n. 立場,主張;攤位
vi. 站立
vt. 忍受
a. 僅僅的
n. 承諾;奉獻(不可數)
vt. 組織
n. 集會;裝配
n. 生物多樣性
n. 海岸線
Practical Phrases
aim to

Richard aims to retire before he is fifty.
理查打算在 50 歲前退休。

call for sth/sb

Success calls for hard work and some good luck.

Environmentalists are calling for immediate action to combat global warming.

The situation calls for immediate action.

Scientists around the world are calling for water conservation.

I'll call for you at seven o'clock.

I'll pick you up at seven o'clock.

agree upon / on...

The two countries agreed upon a trade deal.

regardless of

Everyone is required to attend the meeting regardless of the typhoon.

be washed up on

Oil leaking from the sunken ship has been washed up on the remote island.

a beach cleanup


1. This special day aims to raise awareness of how important our oceans are and their crucial role in keeping our planet healthy and sustainable.


根據語意,世界海洋日這個特別的日子旨在提升人 們對海洋的重要性及其作為保持地球健康和永續發 展關鍵角色的意識,故 (C) 項應為正選。

2. This recognition significantly boosted the profile of World Oceans Day, and each year a growing number of nations and organizations become involved in a wide range of conservation activities.


a. 本題測試及物動詞 involve 的用法:

involve [ ɪnˋvɑlv ] vt. 使參與;包含;涉及 

Building a model airplane involves many complicated steps. 組裝模型飛機包含了許多複雜的程序。 

be / become involved in... 參與⋯⋯

How did you become involved in politics?


b. 本句為對等連接詞 and 連接的完整句,主詞為 空格前的 a growing number of nations and organizations(越來越多的國家和組織),且 本句缺乏動詞,因此 (B) involving 不可選。此 外,involve 為及物動詞,故 (A)、(C) 亦不可選。

c. 根據用法及語意,可知答案應選 (D) become involved,置入後表世界海洋日的可見度提升後, 每年都有越來越多的國家和組織「參與」廣泛多樣 的保護活動。

3. World Oceans Day has been calling for the 30x30 ocean campaign, which is an effort to protect at least 30% of the planet’s land, water, and oceans by the year 2030.


空格後為關係代名詞 which 引導的形容詞子句, 表努力於 2030 年前保護地球上至少 30% 的土 地、水域和海洋,用來修飾空格所在的先行詞,由此推知,世界海洋日應該是一直呼籲開展 30x30 海洋「運動」,來推廣保護地球上的土地、水域和 海洋,故選 (A)。

4. The amount of protected land worldwide currently stands at just 16.64%, while for the oceans, it is a mere 7.74%.


a. 空格前後為兩個完整子句,可知應選連接詞來連接兩句,故 (C) despite 和 (D) however 不可選。

b. 根據語意,目前全球受到保護的土地面積僅有 16.64%,「而」海洋僅有 7.74%,可知 (B) while 應為正選。

5. A huge amount of plastic waste ends up in the oceans annually, much of which is washed up on beaches and shorelines all over the planet.


本句後半提到其中有很多的塑膠垃圾被沖到全球的 海灘和海岸線上,可知每年有大量的塑膠垃圾「最 終」都會進入海洋,故選 (A)。



sustainable [ səˋstenəb! ] a. 永續的,能持續的

According to this report, the current level of economic growth is sustainable.


字尾 -able 表「能夠∕可以......的」,常接在動詞後 形成形容詞,以下介紹此類常見字彙:

a. 動詞後直接加 -able(如本文的 sustainable)

acceptable [ əkˋsɛptəb! ] a. 可接受的

affordable [ əˋfɔrdəb! ] a. 負擔得起的

predictable [ prɪˋdɪktəb! ] a. 可預測的

What we need is a solution that is acceptable to both parties.


b. 動詞字尾為 e 時,通常會省略 e 再加上 -able

admirable [ ˋædmərəb! ] a. 值得讚美的,令人欽佩的

believable [ bɪˋlivəb! ] a. 可信的

measurable [ ˋmɛʒərəb! ] a. 可測量/度量的

I didn’t think Matthew’s explanation was believable.  


c. 動詞字尾為 e 時,有時會直接加上 -able

agreeable [ əˋgriəb! ] a. 宜人的;可接受的

changeable [ ˋtʃendʒəb! ] a. 可變的;多變的

manageable [ ˋmænɪdʒəb! ] a. 易處理/管控的

If the weather is agreeable this weekend, we will go on a picnic.


d. 動詞字尾為 y 時,則要去 y 再加 -iable

deniable [ dɪˋnaɪəb! ] a. 可否認/拒絕的

reliable [ rɪˋlaɪəb! ] a. 可靠的

The reporter said she got her information from a reliable source.




與三十多年來一樣,世界海洋日將於今年六月八日慶 祝。這個特別的日子旨在提升人們對海洋的重要性及其作為 保持地球健康和永續發展關鍵角色的意識。雖然世界海洋日 是於 1992 年由加拿大政府首次提出,但直到 2008 年才得 到聯合國大會的官方認可。這一認可顯著地提升了世界海洋 日的可見度,每年都有越來越多的國家和組織參與廣泛多樣 的保護活動。

世界海洋日一直呼籲開展 30x30 海洋運動,此運動是 要努力於 2030 年以前保護地球上至少 30% 的土地、水域 和海洋。這表示保護區將會顯著增加。目前全球受到保護的 土地面積僅有 16.64%,而海洋僅有 7.74%。這個 30x30 的目標是 2022 年十二月在聯合國生物多樣性大會(COP 15)上取得共識之更廣泛承諾的一部分。

儘管每年在世界海洋日有舉辦多種盛事及活動,淨灘活 動是最常見的。每年有大量的塑膠垃圾最終都會進入海洋, 其中有很多的塑膠垃圾被沖到全球的海灘和海岸線上。何不 在這個特別的日子與一些朋友聚在一起並規劃一場淨灘活動 來幫忙呢?


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