
✶破紀錄!飛最遠的紙飛機 The Longest-Flying Paper Airplane

The Longest-Flying Paper Airplane
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破紀錄!飛最遠的紙飛機 The Longest-Flying Paper Airplane
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        Designing and folding an effective paper airplane is a rite of passage for many school-aged children. If constructed properly, a good paper airplane can __1__ across an entire classroom. But can you imagine building one that could travel nearly the entire length of a football field? That is what three friends were able to __2__ when they broke the Guinness World Record for the longest-distance flight by a paper airplane.

        Crafting a paper airplane does not necessarily require __3__ skills. Virtually anyone can build one with several folds of a crisp sheet of paper. However, it certainly doesn’t hurt to have an aerospace engineering background. In 2022, Boeing engineers Dillon Ruble and Garrett Jensen __4__ the challenge of breaking the then-record distance of slightly over 77 meters by rethinking how paper airplanes fly.

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        In pursuit of this goal, the two engineers and their friend Nathaniel Erickson __5__ hundreds of hours to the project. After many trials and prototypes, they came up with a design that they believed would do the trick. Using their __6__ in aerodynamics, they settled on a design that was quite different from anything you would likely use when you were in elementary school. In fact, far from requiring a few __7__ folds, their design takes more than 20 minutes to construct accurately. Rather than sailing in the way most paper airplanes do, their creative __8__ shoots through the air like a dart. Because of this, it requires brute force and a specific launch angle of 40 degrees to achieve the best results.

        On the day of their record-breaking attempt, it was Ruble who did the throwing. His technique __9__ that of an outfielder in baseball trying to throw out a runner at home plate. While his first two tries __10__ the record, he shattered it by more than 11 meters on the third try with an astonishing distance of just over 88 meters. Their achievement proves that even a humble childhood pastime can be taken to extraordinary heights with the right approach.


(A) simple (B) took up (C) glide (D) model (E) advanced

(F) accomplish (G) dedicated (H) expertise ( I ) fell short of (J) resembled


答案: 1.C 2.F 3.E 4.B 5.G 6.H 7.A 8.D 9.J 10.I


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        Designing and folding an effective paper airplane is a rite of passage for many school-aged children. If constructed properly, a good paper airplane can glide across an entire classroom. But can you imagine building one that could travel nearly the entire length of a football field? That is what three friends were able to accomplish when they broke the Guinness World Record for the longest-distance flight by a paper airplane.

        Crafting a paper airplane does not necessarily require advanced skills. Virtually anyone can build one with several folds of a crisp sheet of paper. However, it certainly doesn’t hurt to have an aerospace engineering background. In 2022, Boeing engineers Dillon Ruble and Garrett Jensen took up the challenge of breaking the then-record distance of slightly over 77 meters by rethinking how paper airplanes fly.


        In pursuit of this goal, the two engineers and their friend Nathaniel Erickson dedicated hundreds of hours to the project. After many trials and prototypes, they came up with a design that they believed would do the trick. Using their expertise in aerodynamics, they settled on a design that was quite different from anything you would likely use when you were in elementary school. In fact, far from requiring a few simple folds, their design takes more than 20 minutes to construct accurately. Rather than sailing in the way most paper airplanes do, their creative model shoots through the air like a dart. Because of this, it requires brute force and a specific launch angle of 40 degrees to achieve the best results.

        On the day of their record-breaking attempt, it was Ruble who did the throwing. His technique resembled that of an outfielder in baseball trying to throw out a runner at home plate. While his first two tries fell short of the record, he shattered it by more than 11 meters on the third try with an astonishing distance of just over 88 meters. Their achievement proves that even a humble childhood pastime can be taken to extraordinary heights with the right approach.


Words in Use
vt. 興建,建造;創造(故事)
n. 手藝,工藝;手工藝品(此意恆用複數)
vt. 精心打造
adv. 幾乎地
n. 追求
adv. 精確地,準確地
.vt. 發動(活動);發射(火箭、飛彈);發表(新書、新作品、新產品)
n. 發表會;(船)首次下水出航;(火箭)首次發射升空
vt. & vi. (使)粉碎,破滅,打碎
a. 令人驚訝的
n. . 消遣
a. 非凡的
a. (紙張)平展的
adj. 航太的
n. 空氣動力學
n. . 雛型,樣本;典型
n. 鏢;箭
a. 蠻力的
n. (棒球)外野手
Practical Phrases
it doesn’t hurt to V

It doesn't hurt to take a break and recharge when you're feeling overwhelmed.

come up with...

Joe has to come up with a plan for financing his new business.

do the trick

The soup tastes a bit plain, but maybe a little more pepper will do the trick.

settle on/ upon...

The couple hasn't settled on a name for the baby.

far from

Don't trust Albert. What he said is far from the truth.

do the / some V-ing
a rite of passage
home plate
throw out a runner at home plate


1. If constructed properly, a good paper airplane can glide across an entire classroom.


a. 空格前有助動詞 can,而空格後有介詞 across, 故知空格應置入原形不及物(片語)動詞。

b. 選項中僅有 (C) glide 符合條件,置入後表一架好 的紙飛機如果打造得恰當,可以「滑行」過整間教 室,故選之。

2. That is what three friends were able to accomplish when they broke the Guinness World Record for the longest-distance flight by a paper airplane.


a. 空格前有引導不定詞片語的 to,故知空格應置入原 形(片語)動詞。

b. 選項中尚有 (D) model 及 (F) accomplish 符合條 件,空格前一句提問,你能想像建造一架能夠飛行 近一整個足球場長度的紙飛機嗎?而本句提到三位 朋友打破了紙飛機飛行最長距離的金氏世界紀錄, 可知他們「實現」了這件事,故答案應選 (F)。

3. Crafting a paper airplane does not necessarily require advanced skills.


a. 空格前有及物動詞 require(需要),而空格後有 名詞 skills(技術),故知空格應置入形容詞或可作 形容詞的分詞以修飾 skills。

b. 選項中有 (A) simple、(D) model、(E) advanced 及 (G) dedicated 符合條件,空格後一句提到,幾 乎任何人都可以將一張平展的紙摺個幾摺來製作一 架紙飛機,可知製作紙飛機並不一定需要「先進 的」技術,故答案應選 (E)。

4. In 2022, Boeing engineers Dillon Ruble and Garrett Jensen took up the challenge of breaking the then-record distance of slightly over 77 meters by rethinking how paper airplanes fly.


a.空格前有名詞詞組 Boeing engineers Dillon Ruble and Garrett Jensen(波音的工程師迪 倫‧魯波和蓋瑞特‧簡森),而空格後亦有名詞詞 組 the challenge(挑戰),且本句時間點為過去 的 2022 年,故知空格應置入過去式及物(片語) 動詞。

b. 選項中有 (B) took up、(G) dedicated、(I) fell short of 及 (J) resembled 符合條件,本句後半提 到這兩位工程師重新思考了紙飛機的飛行方式,可 知他們應是「接下」了突破當時紀錄的挑戰,故答 案應選 (B)。

5. In pursuit of this goal, the two engineers and their friend Nathaniel Erickson dedicated hundreds of hours to the project.


a. 空格前有名詞詞組 the two engineers and their friend Nathaniel Erickson(這兩位工程師和他們 的朋友納撒尼爾‧艾力克森),而空格後亦有名詞詞組 hundreds of hours(數百個小時),且根據 本段時態,故知空格應置入過去式及物(片語)動 詞。

b. 選項中尚有 (G) dedicated、(I) fell short of 及 (J) resembled 符合條件,根據語意,為了追求打破 當時紙飛機飛行紀錄的目標,這兩位工程師和他們 的朋友納撒尼爾‧艾力克森「奉獻」了數百個小時 在這個計畫上,可知答案應選 (G),置入後亦符合 “dedicate A to B” 的用法。

6. Using their expertise in aerodynamics, they settled on a design that was quite different from anything you would likely use when you were in elementary school.


a. 空格前有所有格 their,而空格後有介詞 in,故知 空格應置入名詞。

b. 選項中有 (D) model 及 (H) expertise 符合條件, 根據語意,這三位朋友利用在空氣動力學上的「知 識」,所選出的設計與你在小學時可能使用的截然 不同,可知答案應選 (H)。

7. In fact, far from requiring a few simple folds, their design takes more than 20 minutes to construct accurately.


a. 空格前有數量形容詞 a few(一些),而空格後有 名詞 folds(摺),故知空格應置入形容詞或可作形 容詞的分詞以和 a few 一起修飾folds。

b. 選項中尚有 (A) simple 及 (D) model 符合條件, 空格前一句提到,工程師們選出的設計與你在小學 時使用的截然不同,可知他們的設計需要的並不是 「簡單的」幾摺而已,而是要花費二十多分鐘的時 間來精準打造,故答案應選 (A)。

8. Rather than sailing in the way most paper airplanes do, their creative model shoots through the air like a dart.


a. 空格前有所有格 their 及形容詞 creative(有創意 的),而空格後有動詞 shoots(劃破),故知空格 應置入名詞以被 creative 修飾。

b. 選項中僅剩 (D) model 符合條件,置入後表他們 創意十足的「模型」滑行方式和大多數的紙飛機不 一樣,這個設計是像飛鏢一樣劃破空氣,故選之。

9. His technique resembled that of an outfielder in baseball trying to throw out a runner at home plate.


a. 空格前有名詞詞組 His technique(他的技巧), 而空格後有代名詞 that,且根據本段時態,故知空 格應置入過去式及物(片語)動詞。

b. 剩餘選項皆符合條件,根據語意,魯波的投擲技巧 「類似」於棒球的外野手試圖讓跑者在本壘板前出 局,可知答案應選 (J) resembled。

10. While his first two tries fell short of the record, he shattered it by more than 11 meters on the third try with an astonishing distance of just over 88 meters.


a. 空格前有名詞詞組 his first two tries(他前兩次 的嘗試),而空格後亦有名詞詞組 the record(紀 錄),且根據本段時態,故知空格應置入過去式及 物(片語)動詞。

b. 選項中僅剩 (I) fell short of 符合條件,置入後表雖 然魯波前兩次嘗試「未能達到」紀錄,但在第三次 嘗試中,他以超過八十八公尺一點點的驚人距離打 破了紀錄,比原紀錄還多了十一公尺,故選之。



對許多學齡兒童來說,設計及摺一架效能好的紙飛機是 必經之路。一架好的紙飛機如果打造得恰當,可以滑行過整 間教室。但你能想像建造一架能夠飛行近一整個足球場長度 的紙飛機嗎?那正是三位朋友在打破了紙飛機飛行最長距離 的金氏世界紀錄時所實現的。

製作紙飛機並不一定需要先進的技術。幾乎任何人都可 以將一張平展的紙摺個幾摺來製作一架紙飛機。然而,具有 航空太空工程背景當然也不是什麼壞事。在 2022 年,波音 的工程師迪倫‧魯波和蓋瑞特‧簡森透過重新思考了紙飛機 的飛行方式,接下了突破當時紀錄的挑戰,當時的紙飛機飛 行距離略超過七十七公尺。

為了追求這個目標,這兩位工程師和他們的朋友納撒尼 爾‧艾力克森奉獻了數百個小時在這個計畫上。經過多次試 驗和原型,他們想出了一個設計,他們相信這個設計可以達 到目的。他們利用在空氣動力學上的知識,選出的設計與你 在小學時可能使用的截然不同。事實上,他們的設計需要的 並不是簡單的幾摺而已,而是要花費二十多分鐘的時間來精 準打造。他們創意十足的模型滑行方式和大多數的紙飛機不 一樣,這個設計是像飛鏢一樣劃破空氣。因此,它需要極大 的力量和四十度特定的發射角度才能達到最佳效果。

在打破紀錄的那天,是魯波負責投擲。他的技巧類似於 棒球的外野手試圖讓跑者在本壘板前出局。雖然他前兩次嘗 試未能達到紀錄,但在第三次嘗試中,他以超過八十八公尺 一點點的驚人距離打破了紀錄,比原紀錄還多了十一公尺。 他們的成就證明,即使是一個不起眼的童年娛樂活動,在正確方法下也能達到非凡的高度。




學會了嗎?✋來答題得 熊贈點


Angus Bain
Angus Bain
There are secret opportunities hidden inside every failure.