These days, when someone wants to search for information, all they need to do is type their question into Google. They use Amazon to shop for items, and Instagram to share stories with friends. However, this has not always been the case. Long before these companies rose to fame on the internet, Yahoo was dominant in the early days of the World Wide Web.
Jerry Yang and David Filo, two graduate students at Stanford University, came up with the idea for a list of websites sorted by category in the year 1994. They originally called their site Jerry and David’s Guide to the World Wide Web. It quickly gained popularity, and the duo decided to rename it Yahoo and list it as a company in 1995. During the1990s, Yahoo was the go-to search engine for most people. The company grew quickly and acquired many other smaller internet-related companies. Four11, a webmail service, was bought in 1997 and later became Yahoo’s popular email service. Then, in 1999, Yahoo bought GeoCities, a web hosting service. Other popular services Yahoo developed include Yahoo Finance, a business and financial news website, and Yahoo Sports, a sports news website.
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Despite all of Yahoo's success, the company's history has not been without setbacks. For one thing, the company failed to compete with similar companies like Google and Microsoft. Yahoo's market share has slowly shrunk over the years. Furthermore, the company suffered from the largest known data theft in 2013. In 2017, the US telecommunications company Verizon acquired Yahoo's core business, including its search engine, email service, and digital content businesses. In spite of all these challenges, Yahoo still remains a well-known website today.
What Did You Learn ?
What are some ways to improve our market share significantly?
Our company focuses on its core business to drive growth and innovation.
If you find yourself stuck in an elevator, all you need to do is stay calm and wait to be rescued.
Suzie likes to shop for clothes with her friends.
The celebrity rose to fame overnight.
Lucas failed to persuade Willa.
My father suffers from diabetes.
come up with... 想出/提出⋯⋯
• We’ve come up with a plan to save money.
以下介紹常與 up with 搭配的片語動詞:
a. break up with... 和⋯⋯分手
• Please give me a reason why I shouldn’t break up with you.
b. catch up with... 趕上/追上⋯⋯
• The bus is driving off, but I think we can catch up with it if we run.
c. keep up with... 跟上⋯⋯;與⋯⋯並駕齊驅
• Sam finds it hard to keep up with his sister.
d. make up with.. 與⋯⋯和好
• Teddy made up with his girlfriend after a big fight.
e. put up with... 忍受⋯⋯
• I can’t put up with your selfishness anymore.
f. team up with... 與⋯⋯合作
• Steve teamed up with Eric to host the awards ceremony.
時代的眼淚:Yahoo 的光輝與挑戰
如今,當有人想要搜尋資訊,他們只需要在 Google 中輸入他們的問題即可。他們使用Amazon 購物,並使用Instagram 與朋友分享故事。然而,情況並非一直都是如此。在這些公司於網路上成名的更久之前,Yahoo 在全球資訊網路的初期占有主導優勢。
1994 那年,史丹佛大學的兩位研究生楊致遠和大衛.費羅提出了一個將網站按類別整理的想法。他們最初稱其網站為「Jerry and David’s Guide to the World Wide Web」。它迅速變得受歡迎,這兩人決定將其重新命名為Yahoo,並在 1995 年將其註冊成一家公司。在 1990 年代,Yahoo 成為大多數人必用的搜索引擎。該公司迅速成長,並收購了許多其他較小的網路相關公司。1997 年,Yahoo 併購了提供網路郵件服務的 Four11,後來成為Yahoo 的熱門電子郵件服務。接著在 1999 年,Yahoo 收購了地球村 ── 一家網頁代管服務公司。Yahoo 開發的其他熱門服務還包括 Yahoo 財經 ── 一個商業和財經新聞網站;以及 Yahoo 體育 ── 一個體育新聞網站。
儘管 Yahoo 取得了不少成功,但這家公司的歷史上並非毫無挫折。首先,該公司未能與像是 Google 和Microsoft 等類似的公司競爭。多年來,Yahoo 的市場占有率逐漸縮減。此外,該公司在 2013 年遭遇了已知規模最大的資料偷竊事件。2017 年,美國電信公司威訊通訊收購了Yahoo 的核心業務,包括其搜索引擎、電子郵件服務和數位內容業務。儘管遭遇所有的這些挑戰,Yahoo 如今仍然是一個為人所知的網站。
1.Jerry and David’s Guide to the World Wide Web.
2.(The US telecommunications company) Verizon.