
脆弱:幸福的隱藏能量 Vulnerability Is the Key to Happiness

布芮尼.布朗的 TED 演講《脆弱的力量》是全球觀看次數最多的演講之一
10/19 解析英語




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脆弱:幸福的隱藏能量 Vulnerability Is the Key to Happiness
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文章主講 Karen, Wesley

Brené Brown’s TED Talk “The Power of Vulnerability” is one of the most viewed talks in the world. Brown, a research professor, studies and discusses human nature, covering topics such as courage, shame, and perception. What is it about this talk that keeps people returning to it again and again?

布芮尼.布朗的 TED 演講《脆弱的力量》是全球觀看次數最多的演講之一。布朗是一位研究教授,她研究並探討人性,包含像是勇氣、羞恥和感知等主題。究竟是什麼魅力讓這段演講吸引人一再重看呢?

shame [ ʃem ] n. 羞恥;遺憾
perception [ pɚˈsɛpʃən ] n. 感知,知覺


In researching shame, or what she refers to as the fear of disconnection, Brown found that people fell into one of two categories. They either had a strong sense of love and belonging or struggled to find it. The only thing that divided the groups was that the former simply felt that they were worthy of love and belonging. This feeling of worthiness served as a stepping stone for many more positive qualities.


belonging [ bɪˈlɔŋɪŋ ] n. 歸屬
belong [ bɪˈlɔŋ ] vi. (在某地方或情境中)感到自在;屬於
belong to...  屬於……
struggle to V  努力∕奮力(做)……
be worthy of...  值得……

Brown explained that this group, knowing that they belonged, had the courage to be imperfect. Furthermore, this allowed them to be kind to themselves and compassionate towards others. They were also able to fully embrace vulnerability because they believed that what made them vulnerable was what made them beautiful.


compassionate [ kəmˈpæʃənɪt ] a. 富同情心的
embrace [ ɪmˈbres ] vt. 欣然接受,樂意採納

Initially, Brown was confused by this because she had associated vulnerability with fear and shame. However, her research showed that it was also an important part of attaining joy and love. Investigating this further, Brown realized that when people try to control or fight vulnerability, they block their emotions, personal growth, and sense of self. What Brown wants people to do is accept that they are vulnerable and believe that they are enough. By doing so, people then become kinder and nicer to each other as well as themselves.


investigate [ ɪnˈvɛstəˌget ] vt. 調查
block [ blɑk ] vt. 屏蔽,阻擋
what A wants (B) to do is (to) + 原形動詞   A 想要(B)做的是……

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Casandra Brené Brown



2010 年,布朗的演說《脆弱的力量》是 TED 網站上最受歡迎的五大演講之一,觀看次數超過四千八百萬。繼本場演說之後,她於 2012 年發表第二場 TED 演說《聆聽羞辱感》(Listening to Shame)。

《不完美的禮物》(The Gifts of Imperfection)(2013)
《脆弱的力量》(Daring Greatly)(2013)
《我已經夠好了》(I Thought It Was Just Me (but it isn’t))(2014)
《勇氣的力量》(Rising Strong)(2016)
《做自己就好》(Braving the Wilderness)(2019)


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Lauren McCarthy
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