
詞彙測驗 Vocabulary Test(2021.09)

#單字 #108新課綱 #學測
>> 長頸鹿:非洲大草原的高個子 The Incredible Giraffe【本篇為全程英文講解】


文章主講 Bruce, Angela, Wesley

★ 詞彙級數參考108課綱最新字表


  1. The bank offers a number of ways for clients to ______ money. They can put money into their account at a local bank, at an ATM, or through an online banking program.

    (A) deposit (B) split (C) inherit (D) exploit

  2. After accomplishing the demanding task, Jane felt a great sense of ______. She’s more than satisfied with the result of the project.

    (A) humor (B) responsibility (C) guilt (D) fulfillment

  3. Ken has had diabetes for years, but he has learned to eat a healthy diet and stay active to live with the ______ illness.

    (A) mental (B) prompt (C) chronic (D) temporary

  4. In order to correctly ______ the data, Mandy tried to look for a pattern first and then draw a conclusion about its significance.

    (A) relieve (B) interpret (C) transfer (D) oversee

  5. Thomas Edison is undoubtedly one of the greatest ______ of all time. He established various businesses, including a multinational company called General Electric.

    (A) columnists (B) entrepreneurs (C) historians (D) attendants

  6. Brian is always gloomy and holds a ______ view of life. No matter what we do, we can’t seem to help him see the bright side of things.

    (A) romantic (B) liberal (C) conventional (D) pessimistic

  7. Susan found her job repetitive and mind-numbing, so she ______ from her position to follow her dream of becoming a professional baker.

    (A) benefited (B) resigned (C) derived (D) suffered

  8. In Thailand, we went to lots of tourist attractions and made some good friends along the way. ______, the trip was quite successful.

    (A) Elsewhere (B) Nevertheless (C) Overall (D) Beforehand

  9. Tim is very ______ of different points of view. He understands that even if he disagrees with someone, that doesn’t mean they’re wrong.

    (A) tolerant (B) envious (C) suspicious (D) ashamed

  10. Doris just secured a ______ deal with a global sportswear brand. The financial support she will receive is estimated at US$100 million.

    (A) compliment (B) procedure (C) sponsorship (D) gratitude


Ans: 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. B |6. D 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. C

>> PUI PUI !天竺鼠駕到! The Incredible and Furry Guinea Pig

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