
★ 給予,是一種幸福 The Emotional Benefits of Prosocial Spending

「我們因為給予而獲得。」─ 亞西西的方濟各(編按:天主教聖人)
#篇章結構 #心靈·療癒
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>> 招財貓,招來財富與幸福 The Cat that Beckons

 篇章結構   電子報精選文章 

文章主講 Wesley

For it is in giving that we receive. – Francis of Assisi

「我們因為給予而獲得。」─ 亞西西的方濟各(編按:天主教聖人)

Indeed, treating ourselves to something nice can make us feel good. However, recent research has shown that prosocial spending—spending money on others—can lead to an even greater sense of happiness and well-being.

確實,買點好東西給自己可以使我們感覺良好。然而最近的研究表明,「親社會支出」─ 把錢花在別人身上 ─ 可以帶來更大的快樂和幸福感。

well-being [ ˌwɛlˈbiɪŋ ] n. 幸福;健康

Research into prosocial spending is relatively new, but the results are conclusive. __1__ Further, it helps contribute to a sense of community and belonging. In a study conducted by psychologists at Harvard Business School, passersby were handed an envelope. When people opened the envelope, they found a five-dollar bill along with a simple note. __2__ Others found a note that told them to spend this five dollars before 5:00 p.m. on a gift for someone else or a donation to charity.


relatively [ ˈrɛlətɪvlɪ ] adv. 相對地
conclusive [ kənˈklusɪv ] a. 無可置疑的,決定性的
conduct [ kənˈdʌkt ] vt. 進行(調查、實驗等)
donation [ doˈneʃən ] n. 捐贈物(尤指捐款)

Later that evening, participants received a call. __3__ The result was that individuals who had spent the money on others were measurably happier than those who spent it on themselves.


measurably [ ˈmɛʒərəbl̩ɪ ] adv. 顯著地

給予,是一種幸福 The Emotional Benefits of Prosocial Spending

Numerous other studies have demonstrated a consistent link between generous spending and happiness. This is true regardless of age, culture, and socioeconomic status. __4__ Namely, spending money on others results in the most happiness when one of three conditions is met: when spenders choose freely to offer help (rather than being asked or forced to do so), when spending offers the opportunity to connect with others, and when spenders are able to see the positive influence of their generosity.


demonstrate [ ˈdɛmənˌstret ] vt. 證明,顯示
consistent [ kənˈsɪstənt ] a. 始終如一的;一致的
generous [ ˈdʒɛnərəs ] a. 慷慨的,大方的
namely [ ˈnemlɪ ] adv. 也就是說
freely [ ˈfrilɪ ] adv. 自由地


(A) They were asked about their overall mood throughout the day, as well as how they had spent the cash.
(B) Some received a message that instructed them to spend the money on themselves before 5:00 p.m.
(C) There are, however, specific conditions that are more likely to promote greater amounts of happiness.
(D) Giving to others impacts the happiness of the giver and the receiver.



happiness [ ˈhæpɪnɪs ] n. 快樂

  • joy [ dʒɔɪ ] n. 歡樂,快樂
  • pleasure [ ˈplɛʒɚ  ] n. 愉快,歡樂
  • delight [ dɪˈlaɪt ] n. 高興
  • bliss [ blɪs ] n. 極樂,狂喜
  • cheerfulness [ ˈtʃɪrfələns ] n. 歡樂,愉快

Ans: 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C

>> 招財貓,招來財富與幸福 The Cat that Beckons

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Sean Gale
Sean Gale
Believe in yourself and you will be unstoppable.