
你認為智商還是情商比較重要? Which Is More Important, IQ or EQ?

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你認為智商還是情商比較重要? Which Is More Important, IQ or EQ?
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文章主講 Karen, Wesley

提 示

智商( IQ ) 是智力商數, 代表一個人的智慧或智能; 情商(EQ ) 則是情緒商數, 代表自我情緒控制的能力。有人說智商決定成績, 情商決定成功,請以此為題, 寫一篇英文作文, 文長至少 120 個單詞( words )。第一段說明你認為在成功的道路上,智商和情商哪個比較重要;第二段請以自己或周遭親友的例子來支持你的論點。



利用 2W (What + Which)
何事 What is IQ and what is EQ?
何者 Which one is more important? Please give an example to support it.


大 綱

第一段: 說明你認為在成功的道路上,智商和情商哪個比較重要。

  • 如果你的智商很高,你可能會有出色的學業表現,也可能有助於解決技術性的問題。
  • 儘管高智商在許多方面有幫助,但我認為這不能保證一個快樂人生或成功職涯。
  • 要實現那些事情,你需要高情商,這是指一個人能夠管理自己情緒並了解他人感受的能力。

第二段: 請以自己或周遭親友的例子來支持你的論點。

  • 我大嫂是擁有高情商的好例子。
  • 我哥為了紓解工作壓力,經常整晚坐在沙發上打電動。
  • 我大嫂知道生氣或揶揄他對事情沒有幫助,



第一段: Your IQ, or intelligence quotient, is a number that stands for your intelligence level based on the results of an IQ test.

a. If you have a high IQ, your academic performance is likely to be outstanding and it may help in solving technical problems.

b. Though a high IQ helps you in various ways, I don’t think it can guarantee you a happy life or a successful career.

c. To achieve those things, you also need a high EQ, which means the ability to control one’s emotions and to understand the feelings of others.

第二段: My sister-in-law is a good example of an individual with a high EQ.

a. In order to relieve stress from work, my brother often sits on the sofa and plays video games all night.

b. My sister-in-law knows that getting angry or ridiculing him won’t make things better.

c. Instead of nagging my brother for never helping with the housework, she calmly

communicates with him about these issues.

結論句: Thanks to my sister-in-law s high EQ, my brother now volunteers to wash dishes after meals. What s more, to alleviate stress, he and my sister-in-law go to the gym to exercise three times a week.


範 文

Your IQ, or intelligence quotient, is a number that stands for your intelligence level based on the results of an IQ test. If you have a high IQ, it is likely that your academic performance will be outstanding . It may also help in solving technical problems. Although a high IQ helps you in many ways, I don’t think it’s a guarantee of a happy life or successful career. To achieve those things, you also need a high EQ, or emotional intelligence, which refers to the ability to manage one’s emotions and to understand the feelings of other people.

My sister-in-law is a good example of an individual with a high EQ. My brother has a high-pressure job. To relieve stress, he often sits on the sofa and plays video games all night. My sister-in-law knows that getting angry or teasing him won’t improve the situation. Instead of nagging my brother for never helping with the housework, she sits down peacefully and communicates with him about these issues . Thanks to my sister-in-law’s high EQ, my brother now volunteers to wash dishes after meals. What’s more, to alleviate stress, he and my sister-in-law go to the gym to exercise three times a week.

★ 中文翻譯僅供參考,請勿逐字逐句對照

你的 IQ,也就是智商,是根據智商測驗結果而來、代表智力水平的數字。如果你的智商很高,你可能會有出色的學業表現。它也可能有助於解決技術性的問題。儘管高智商在許多方面都有幫助,我仍認為它不能保證一個快樂的人生或成功的職涯。要實現那些事情,你還需要高 EQ,也就是情商,這是指一個人能夠管理自己情緒並了解他人感受的能力。


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