
✶為什麼船底要塗成紅色? Red beneath the Sea

Red beneath the Sea
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為什麼船底要塗成紅色? Red beneath the Sea
>> 全球「熱浪」災情持續,認識幾個「炎熱」相關的新聞英文用字
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    When large ships carry a lot of cargo, they sit quite low in the water. However, if a ship is __1__, you’ll likely be able to see its lower hull, which will probably be painted red. There are several reasons why special paint of this color is used for marine vessels.

    First and foremost, the red paint shields the underside of the ship. __2__, the hull will eventually become covered with marine organisms such as barnacles, algae, and mollusks, which will cause damage to the metal in the long run. Red marine paint gets its red color from copper oxide. This material __3__ a biocide, a chemical compound that repels and prevents the growth of organisms. In addition, the paint guards the metal of the hull against corrosion from salt water, which can greatly weaken the structure and cause leaks.


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    Another reason for the red color is to indicate a vessel’s load status. The more the red paint is visible above the waterline, the lighter the load is. Having the hull painted red can also be helpful in case of an __4__ by increasing a ship’s visibility. If a ship has capsized or is sinking, the red color of the hull contrasts with the blue or green color of the water. This gives other ships or rescue aircraft a better chance of __5__ it.
underlying historical tradition further contributes to the preference for the color red. With its origins dating back over 2,000 years and popularity to this day, we are likely to continue seeing hulls painted red for a long time to come.


1. (A) humid (B) external (C) scarce (D) empty

2. (A) Once raised high (B) If left unprotected (C) After found flooded (D) When kept balanced

3. (A) acts as (B) occurs to (C) calls for (D) gives away

4. (A) adjustment (B) opportunity (C) emergency (D) investigation

5. (A) repairing (B) locating (C) disguising (D) surrounding


答案: 1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.B



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    When large ships carry a lot of cargo, they sit quite low in the water. However, if a ship is empty, you’ll likely be able to see its lower hull, which will probably be painted red. There are several reasons why special paint of this color is used for marine vessels.

    First and foremost, the red paint shields the underside of the ship. If left unprotected, the hull will eventually become covered with marine organisms such as barnacles, algae, and mollusks, which will cause damage to the metal in the long run. Red marine paint gets its red color from copper oxide. This material acts as a biocide, a chemical compound that repels and prevents the growth of organisms. In addition, the paint guards the metal of the hull against corrosion from salt water, which can greatly weaken the structure and cause leaks.

  Another reason for the red color is to indicate a vessel’s load status. The more the red paint is visible above the waterline, the lighter the load is. Having the hull painted red can also be helpful in case of an emergency by increasing a ship’s visibility. If a ship has capsized or is sinking, the red color of the hull contrasts with the blue or green color of the water. This gives other ships or rescue aircraft a better chance of locating it.
underlying historical tradition further contributes to the preference for the color red. With its origins dating back over 2,000 years and popularity to this day, we are likely to continue seeing hulls painted red for a long time to come.


Words in Use
n. 貨物
vt. 保護
n. 盾牌
n. 化合物
vt. 驅除
n. 腐蝕
a. 肉眼可見的;顯而易見的
n. 對比,差異
vt. 對比
a. 在下面的;隱含的;根本的
n. 船身,船殼
n. 偏愛
n. (美國)海軍陸戰隊士兵
adj. 海洋的
n. 底部,下側
n. 有機體
n. 海藻,藻類(複數)
n. 軟體動物
n. 氧化物
n. 生物滅除劑,殺生物劑
n. 船的吃水線(指船體與水面相交的線)
vi. 翻覆
n. 飛機,飛行器(單複數同形)
prep. 反對
Practical Phrases
copper oxide
first and foremost

There are many ways to stay healthy. First and foremost, you should have a balanced diet.

do / cause damage to sb/sth
 對某人 / 事物造成損害

Taking drugs does damage to one's body and mind.

The flood caused damage to dozens of homes, and many people were left homeless.

in the long run
= in the long term

The company made big changes to its website, which paid off in the long run.

guard A against B
 保護 A 免受 B 的傷害

Mina used sunscreen to guard her skin against the harmful effects of the sun.

The + 比較級形容詞∕副詞..., the + 比較級形容詞 ∕副詞...
in case of
= in the event of sth

In case of emergency, call this number.


contribute to...
= result in
= give rise to

Clear communication among team members contributes to the success of a project.


1. However, if a ship is empty, you’ll likely be able to see its lower hull, which will probably be painted red.


空格前一句提到,大型船隻乘載許多貨物時在水中會沉得相當深, 而本句以有轉折意味的However(然而)開頭,表前後語意相反,故應選 (D) empty,表如果船隻是「空的」,你可能會看到船身的下半部。

2. If left unprotected, the hull will eventually become covered with marine organisms such as barnacles, algae, and mollusks, which...


a. 空格後提到,船底最終會被藤壺、藻類和軟體動物等海洋生物覆蓋,到頭來會對金屬造成損壞,可知這些應是船底「如果未受保護」會造成的情況,故選 (B) If left unprotected。

3. This material acts as a biocide, a chemical compound that repels and prevents the growth of organisms.


根據語意,氧化銅這種原料「作為」生物滅除劑── 一種驅趕並防止生物生長的化學化合物,故
(A) 項應為正選。

4. Having the hull painted red can also be helpful in case of an emergency by increasing a
ship’s visibility.


a. 空格後一句提到,若一艘船翻覆或正在下沉,船底的紅色會與藍色或綠色的海水形成對比,可知船底塗成紅色在「緊急情況」下很有幫助,因為可以增加船隻的能見度,故答案應選 (C)。

5. This gives other ships or rescue aircraft a better chance of locating it.


空格前一句提到,如果一艘船翻覆或正在下沉,船底的紅色會與藍色或綠色的海水形成對比,可知空格應填入 (B) locating,表船底的紅色與海水顏色的對比可以提高其他船隻或救援飛機「找到」受難船隻的機會。



ship   n.(尤指航海的)大船/輪船/艦(航行距離較遠)
The ship crossed the ocean with a load of goods.

除了本文的 ship 和 vessel 外,還有其他表「船」的單字,介紹如下:

a. vessel 可用來統稱所有的船,是較正式的用語。
 The pirates discovered gold on the Spanish vessel.

b. boat 通常指「中小型的船」,通常出現在沿海地區、湖邊或河邊。

c. ferry 是「渡船,渡輪」,會定時來回某一小段水域,對某些地方的人來說是常見的交通工具
The daily ferry linked the island to the outside world.

d. yacht  是「快艇,遊艇」,通常以遊玩、運動為目的。
Kent hired a yacht when he was on vacation in Kenting.

e. canoe 是「獨木舟」,須靠自己划動船槳前進;其船槳通常是單柄單槳,必須要兩手握住槳
We all got soaked to the bone after the canoe flipped over in the river.


f. kayak 是「單人小船」,跟獨木舟很像,差別在於它通常只乘載一至兩人,船身是前後有甲板的座艙式船艇,且船槳通常是單柄雙槳。




    首先,紅色塗料保護著船的底部。如果不受保護,船底(編按:此處及之後出現的 hull 皆是指前一段提過的 lower hull,為避免重複,因此只用 hull)最終將會被像是藤壺、藻類和軟體動物等海洋生物所覆蓋,到頭來會對金屬造成損壞。紅色海洋塗料的紅色來自於氧化銅。這種原料作為生物滅除劑 ── 一種驅趕並防止生物生長的化學化合物。此外,該塗料能保護船底的金屬免受鹽水的腐蝕,腐蝕可能會大大地使結構變得不結實並導致漏水。





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Angus Bain
Angus Bain
There are secret opportunities hidden inside every failure.