You may have some friends who are particular about what they eat. They prefer certain foods and are thus known as picky eaters. However, this aspect of character is not necessarily negative. Picky eaters are common, but research shows that only about 25% of the population qualify as supertasters.
The term “supertaster” was introduced in the 1990s by Linda Bartoshuk, a researcher of taste perception at the University of Florida. As the term suggests, a supertaster is someone with a sharp sense of taste who experiences the flavors in food more intensely than others. This means that while non-supertasters may be able to swallow foods that they don’t enjoy without significant discomfort, supertasters find certain flavors almost unbearable.
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The status of being a supertaster is backed by scientific evidence. First, supertasters have a lot more taste buds than non-supertasters. Moreover, among the five major flavor groups (bitter, salty, sour, sweet, and umami), supertasters are especially sensitive to bitterness. This makes them less likely to enjoy coffee, dark chocolate, and bitter-tasting vegetables and fruits.
Unfortunately, excluding certain foods from one’s diet can have health-related disadvantages. What’s worse, supertasters may use salt to cover up bitter flavors, which may lead to overseasoning and health issues.
Nevertheless, being a supertaster isn’t all bad news. For one thing, many supertasters tend to stay away from alcohol and cigarettes because of their taste. Thus, they are relatively unlikely to become habitual drinkers or smokers. For another, supertasters are usually mindful of what they eat, so they’re less likely to overeat. Finding out whether you’re a supertaster or just a picky eater may help you take a stand next time someone accuses you of being too fussy about your food.
1. Please write down picky eaters or supertasters based on the information from the passage.(填空)
2. What two types of people are supertasters less likely to be?(簡答) ______________________ |
3. Which of the following are NOT characteristics of supertasters?(多選題) (A) They eat very small portions at each meal. (B) They pay careful attention to what they eat. (C) They cannot sense all the five flavor groups. (D) They may add something to change the flavor of bitter foods. (E) They can notice certain flavors that most people may not perceive. |
答案:1.(a) supertasters (b) supertasters (c) picky eaters
2.Habitual drinkers and smokers.
Fred is sensitive to others’ remarks.
Don’t mention Donald’s missing dog―he’s very sensitive about that.
不要提到唐納德走失的狗 — 他對那件事非常敏感。
The police tried to cover up the truth.
For one thing, milk is good for your bones; for another, it’s rich in protein.
Everyone in the meeting was asked to take a stand on the issue.
The clerk accused the customer of stealing.
We have to be mindful of our actions and their consequences at all times.
India and China account for about half of global consumer demand for gold.
However, this aspect of character is not necessarily negative.
※ 有些表整體含義的代名詞(如 all、both、every)與否定詞 not 並用時,便形成「部分否定」,且 not 要置於 all、both、every 之前。
• Not both of my parents have retired.
※ everybody、everyone、everything、everywhere 與否定詞 not 並用時,亦表部分否定。
• You have to accept that not everything goes well in life.
※ always、quite、completely、entirely、exactly、necessarily 等副詞與 not 搭配時,也有部分否定的意思。(本文用法)
• Since your answer is not completely wrong, you still earn some points for this question.
※ 字詞本身含有絕對否定的意思,如:neither(兩者都不)、none(兩者以上都不)、no one / nobody(沒有人)、nothing(沒有任何東西或事物)等都表示全部否定。
• No one saw Den at the office today.
※ neither of 作主詞時,由於 neither 視為單數,按照嚴謹的文法,其後應搭配第三人稱單數動詞,但在非正式用法中,也可搭配複數動詞使用。
• Neither of my gloves is / are dry.
※ none of 後面接複數名詞或代名詞作主詞時,後面搭配單數動詞或複數動詞均可,但 none of 後面接不可數名詞時,其後則要用單數動詞。
• None of my friends has / have seen this movie.
• None of the news from the TV channel is reliable.
The platform guarantees that none of its users’ information _____ used without their permission.
(A) are (B) be (C) is (D) being
答: C
你可能有一些對吃很挑剔的朋友。他們偏好特定的食物,因而被稱為挑食的人。但是這一方面的性格不一定是負面的。挑食的人很常見,但研究顯示,僅有約 25% 的人口有資格被稱為超級味覺者。
「超級味覺者」這一詞於 1990 年代由琳達.巴托舒克首次提出,她任職於佛羅里達大學,是一名味覺感知的研究員。顧名思義,超級味覺者是擁有敏銳味覺的人,能比其他人更強烈體會到食物中的味道。這代表非超級味覺者可能可以嚥下他們不喜歡的食物而沒有顯著的不適感,但超級味覺者卻覺得某些味道難以忍受。
身為超級味覺者的狀態有科學證據支持。首先,超級味覺者比非超級味覺者有更多味蕾。此外,在五味 ── 苦、鹹、酸、甜和鮮 ── 中,超級味覺者對苦味特別敏感。這讓他們較不喜歡咖啡、黑巧克力和嚐起來有苦味的蔬果。
1. 請根據本文資訊寫下 picky eaters(挑食者)或 supertasters(超級味覺者)。
答案: (a) supertasters (b) supertasters (c) picky eaters | ||||||||
2. 超級味覺者較不可能變成哪兩種人? 答案: Habitual drinkers and smokers. |
3. 以下何者不是超級味覺者的特點? (A) 他們每一餐都吃很少。 (B) 他們很注意自己吃了什麼。 (C) 他們無法感知全部五味。 (D) 他們可能會加一些東西來改變較苦食物的味道。 (E) 他們能注意到大多數人可能察覺不到的某些味道。 答案: A、C |