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Phineas is no ordinary tabby cat. He suffers from a condition that causes him to wobble and fall over when he walks. However, his __1__ way of walking has also made him a star on social media, with two million followers. This __2__ has helped raise awareness of rare diseases like the cat’s condition, bringing the challenges faced by patients and families to a wider audience.
Phineas was born with cerebellar hypoplasia, a disorder in which the cerebellum, the brain part that is __3__ for balance and coordination, is underdeveloped. He was found as a stray kitten and taken to a shelter. Phineas was later __4__ by a couple who came across his story about his disease on social media.
My father suffers from diabetes.
The icy sidewalk caused many people to slip and fall over.
The government is trying to raise public awareness about environmental protection.
Monica came across a pretty dress while she was shopping.
The old couple took in the child after his parents died in the plane crash.
This charity helps Africans in need eat well and stay warm.
A kind woman helped Tina when she was in need.
Despite the challenges, Ann managed to get by with a positive attitude.