
✶全球最長階梯!驚心動魄尼森山 Challenging Yourself with the Niesen Stairway Run

Challenging Yourself with the Niesen Stairway Run
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全球最長階梯!驚心動魄尼森山 Challenging Yourself with the Niesen Stairway Run
你是否曾在爬山時想著,如果有一條階梯,是不是會讓 爬山更容易得多
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    Have you ever hiked up a mountain and thought about how much easier it would be if there were a stairway? Well, there is a mountain in Switzerland which features that very thing. Visitors to Niesen Mountain in the Bernese Oberland region of Switzerland will find a stairway consisting of 11,674 steps running up its side. At 3.4 kilometers in length, it has been officially __1__ by the Guinness World Records as the world’s longest stairway.

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    Unfortunately, this stairway is usually not accessible to the general public. It actually runs parallel to a railway that travels up the mountain and serves as a rescue and maintenance stairway. Therefore, due to __2__, people are not allowed to use it unless there is an emergency involving the train. However, once a year in June, an event gives 500 lucky people the __3__ to use the stairway. The legendary Niesen Stairway Run has become a popular attraction for athletes looking for a special challenge. Despite being less than four kilometers long, the run features an elevation gain of almost 1,700 meters, __4__ it a truly grueling event. In fact, the record time for covering that distance is just over one hour, which gives an idea of how difficult it is.

    Those lucky enough to walk or run up the stairway will be __5__ stunning views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. Keep in mind, though, that only those who join the Niesen Stairway Run will get to see them.

1. (A) predicted (B) recognized (C) sacrificed (D) dismissed
2. (A) political issues (B) mountain trails (C) keen competitions (D) safety concerns
3. (A) opportunity (B) necessity (C) introduction (D) reservation
4. (A) made (B) makes (C) making (D) to make
5. (A) divided into (B) rewarded with (C) reduced to (D) trapped in



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    Have you ever hiked up a mountain and thought about how much easier it would be if there were a stairway? Well, there is a mountain in Switzerland which features that very thing. Visitors to Niesen Mountain in the Bernese Oberland region of Switzerland will find a stairway consisting of 11,674 steps running up its side. At 3.4 kilometers in length, it has been officially recognized by the Guinness World Records as the world’s longest stairway.


    Unfortunately, this stairway is usually not accessible to the general public. It actually runs parallel to a railway that travels up the mountain and serves as a rescue and maintenance stairway. Therefore, due to safety concerns, people are not allowed to use it unless there is an emergency involving the train. However, once a year in June, an event gives 500 lucky people the opportunity to use the stairway. The legendary Niesen Stairway Run has become a popular attraction for athletes looking for a special challenge. Despite being less than four kilometers long, the run features an elevation gain of almost 1,700 meters, making it a truly grueling event. In fact, the record time for covering that distance is just over one hour, which gives an idea of how difficult it is.

    Those lucky enough to walk or run up the stairway will be rewarded with stunning views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. Keep in mind, though, that only those who join the Niesen Stairway Run will get to see them.


Words in Use
vt. 以……為特色;主打(特色、功能等)
n. 特徵,特色
adv. 正式地
adv. 不幸地
a. 平行的 ; (經常同時發生且) 相似的
n. 相似 (處)
vt. 與......平行 ; 與......相似
vt. & n. 拯救
n. 維持;維修,保養(皆不可數)
adj. 傳說的,傳奇的
n. 吸引力;愛慕;誘惑;吸引人的事物;景點
a. 令人吃驚的
a. 周圍的
Extra Words
n. 臺階,樓梯
n. 高度,海拔
a. 使人耗費精力的
Practical Phrases
consist of
= be made up of...

This new shower gel consists of sea salt and other minerals.

... in length

This river is two kilometers in length.
這條河 2 公里。

be / become accessible to sb
 對某人而言容易取得 / 理解的

Aaron s poetry is accessible to people of all ages. 

serve as...
 作為⋯⋯之用 / 擔任⋯⋯

This book can serve as a guide to help you learn to cook.

Sharon's excellent speaking skills allow her to serve as the host of the event.

keep in mind... / keep... in mind

I keep in mind my grandfather's advice whenever I have a problem.

1. At 3.4 kilometers in length, it has been officially recognized by the Guinness World Records as the world’s longest stairway.


根據語意,沿尼森山而上的樓梯全長 3.4 公里,已經被金氏世界紀錄官方「認可」為世上最長的階梯,故 (B) 項應為正選。

2. Therefore, due to safety concerns, people are not allowed to use it unless there is an emergency involving the train.


空格前兩句提到沿尼森山而上的樓梯是用於救援和維護的,通常不對一般大眾開放,而本句後半提到除非發生跟火車有關的緊急情況才能使用,可知這條樓梯應是出於「安全考量」,一般人不被允許使用,故 (D) 項應為正選。

3. However, once a year in June, an event gives 500 lucky people the opportunity to use the stairway.


空格前提到沿尼森山而上的樓梯通常不對一般大眾開放,而本句前半提到每年六月都會舉辦一場活動,可知舉辦的活動應是讓五百位幸運者有「機會」使用這條階梯,故 (A) 項應為正選。

4. Despite being less than four kilometers long, the run features an elevation gain of almost 1,700 meters, making it a truly grueling event.


a. 本題測試形容詞子句化簡為分詞片語的用法:形容詞子句中,若關係代名詞作主詞且之前無逗點時(即限定修飾),可將該形容詞子句化簡為分詞片語。但關係代名詞 which 代替前面整個句子作主詞時,雖然 which 之前有逗點,仍可化簡為分詞片語,化簡原則與限定修飾時相同:

先刪除關係代名詞,之後的動詞變成現在分詞,若動詞為 be 動詞,變成 being 後可省略。

b. 原句實為:..., the run features an elevation gain of almost 1,700 meters, which makes it a truly grueling event.
c. 根據上述,將關係代名詞 which 刪除、其後動詞 makes 變為現在分詞 making 後即成本句,故答案應選 (C) making。

5. Those lucky enough to walk or run up the stairway will be rewarded with stunning views of the surrounding mountains and valleys.


根據語意,那些足夠幸運能夠步行或跑上尼森山階梯的人將欣賞到周圍山脈和山谷的迷人景色「作為獎賞」,故 (B) 項應為正選。


challenge  vt. 挑戰(比賽、辯論等)
challenge sb to V/N  向某人挑戰⋯⋯
Mike challenged the old man to a poker game.

challenge 當動詞時還有以下其他意思:
a. 表「質疑,懷疑」。
challenge a view / an idea / an assumption 
In the meeting, Jerry challenged a view that many considered unchangeable.
b. 表「考驗⋯⋯的能力(或決心)」。
Starting a new business can challenge one’s ability to demonstrate determination in the face of obstacles.

challenge 亦可作名詞用:
c. 表「挑戰;難題;考驗」。
face / take on / accept a / the challenge  
meet / rise to a / the challenge  迎接挑戰
Mia accepted the challenge of leading the team through a complex project.
This job is not easy, but I’m ready to meet the challenge.
d. 表「質疑,懷疑」。
The unexpected results posed a challenge to the group’s initial assumptions.
e. 表「(尤指比賽或辯論)挑戰(書),邀請」。
The chess champion issued a challenge to any opponent.

    你是否曾在爬山時想著,如果有一條階梯,是不是會讓爬山更容易得多?嗯,瑞士有一座山就以那樣子的設施為特色。造訪在瑞士伯恩高地地區的尼森山的遊客會看到一條包含一萬一千六百七十四階的階梯沿著山腰而上。這條樓梯全長 3.4 公里,已經被金氏世界紀錄官方認可為世上最長的階梯。

答案: 1 B 2 D 3 A 4 C 5 B

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