Catch a ride on the SeaBubbles water taxi next time you’re in Paris.
你下次到巴黎時,來坐坐 SeaBubbles 公司的水上計程車吧。
In Paris, France, a company by the name of SeaBubbles is rolling out a special new taxi service for the city on the River Seine. The taxi, a 100% battery-powered▼ watercraft▼, will be used to take people up and down the River Seine. When it is in motion, the water taxi uses hydrofoil▼ technology to lift itself about a meter above the water’s surface. With its twin electric propellers▼, the watercraft can reach speeds of over 12 kilometers an hour as it moves over the water.
一家位於法國巴黎、名稱叫做 SeaBubbles 的公司,正在塞納河上為這座城市推出一種全新獨特的計程車服務。這種完全由電池供電的水上運輸工具,將運用在塞納河上來回載送乘客。這種水上計程車在行駛的時候,會利用水翼技術來將船身抬高至離水面約一公尺的位置。憑藉著船上搭載的一對電動螺旋槳,這種水上運輸工具在水面上奔馳的速度可超過每小時十二公里。
Since 2017, SeaBubbles has offered rides to members of the public during two test phases▼. Earlier this year, the company ordered 40 models to be made by the end of 2020. Most of them will likely be used in Paris through an Uber-like service. People can call a taxi to their spot on the river.
SeaBubbles 自 2017 年以來,在兩階段的測試過程中皆向大眾提供了載送服務。今年稍早的時候,該公司向廠商下訂要在 2020 年底前製造出四十臺這種機型。其中多數的水上計程車可能會透過類似Uber 的服務在巴黎營運。人們可以在其河畔上的地點呼叫水上計程車過來。
The long-term goal of the company is to promote more eco-friendly▼ transportation▼ along waterways and in coastal areas. The company has ambitions to operate taxi services in 50 cities across the world in the next five years.
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