
人類何時開始 翱翔天際 The Early Years of Human Flight

The Early Years of Human Flight
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人類何時開始 翱翔天際 The Early Years of Human Flight
。在 1783 年十一月二十一日這天,有兩個人乘坐著孟格菲兄弟打造的熱 氣球飛行,環繞了巴黎二十五分鐘,此舉也標誌著人類史上頭一遭的 自由飛行。
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The Wright brothers are famous for building and flying the world’s first airplane. However, the story of human flight started over 100 years before that with another pair of brothers: Joseph-Michel and Jacques-Éienne Montgolfier. Their family owned a paper manufacturing company in France, but the Montgolfier brothers dreamed of bigger things. Joseph-Michel was the more creative brother. He made his own parachutes and tested them by jumping off houses. Jacques-Éienne was better at business and had a talent for building things.

       In 1782, Joseph-Michel had a vision while staring into a fire. He imagined soldiers sailing into battle on a giant balloon powered by heat. He contacted Jacques-Éienne and he agreed to help him build it. Their first hot-air balloon test flight failed, but they made some improvements and tried again. They set up another flight with a rooster, a duck, and a sheep as their passengers. The flight lasted for eight minutes, and the balloon landed successfully. This gave them confidence that their hot-air balloon would be safe for humans. On November 21, 1783, two people went on a 25-minute flight around Paris in the Montgolfier’s hot-air balloon, making it the first free flight by humans in history. 

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