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Bluetooth technology allows smartphones, tablets, and other electronic devices to connect wirelessly. It not only __1__ users from the constraints of wired devices but has also become an essential part of our daily lives. How did this technology acquire such an unusual name?
It all started in the year 958 in the frozen landscape of what is now called Denmark. There, a man named Harald Gormsson rose to power and became the king of his tribe. During his reign, he unified Denmark and Norway and __2__ the region for more than two decades. King Harald Gormsson was often called “Bluetooth,” and the origin of this __3__ often sparked a debate. Some theories suggest that he was fond of eating blueberries, which __4__ his teeth. Others propose that he had a tooth with a dark blue hue due to a medical condition. Regardless of the reason, history has immortalized him as an important __5__ who brought people together.
The prince rose to power after the king died.
Kim is really fond of heavy metal.
You are not supposed to wear jeans to such a formal
Do not refer to Mandy as your girlfriend. She's your ex-girlfriend now.